#27 Goosebumps

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Casper's POV

It has been two days. I spent one sleepless night and two sunny days doing nothing.

Unless you count being pathetic as productive, then yeah, I was pretty darn productive. I was so productive that manufacturers would sue me for illegal competition.

"Do something!" I snapped at Jane, who stood beside Hades, "She's clearly not getting the help she needs. Those healers are making it worse."

Her eyes were sad as she gazed at us and took a step forward, Hades placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from making her next move. His words were emotionless and stiff, "Her situation when you brought her in was worse than you thought, this has nothing to do with our healers."

"But there's still hope! There's a solution for this!" I didn't give up. I couldn't. My eyes didn't waver from Jane's, and I begged silently.

"Maybe I can—" Her words were soft.

"No." Hades interrupted.

Her eyes sharpened at him, "This will not kill me, Hades."

"What if it does? You cannot risk it." He fired back.

She scoffed ridiculously, "This isn't the first time, and I'm going to have to train this specific ability sooner or later, this seems like a good time to try."

Yes. She makes a good argument. All we need is for our stupid, stubborn sister to agree.

His eyes glared at her, "No."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "She's not a kid; she can make her own decision."

But I can see Hades' determination was getting to her; defeat was knocking at her doors, and it was a matter of a head shake from him, and she would feel obliged to listen.

My frustration was peaking as I turned away from them, I kept my gaze on Kayla, depressing thoughts were confidently sauntering in my mind, their lazy grins and destructive figures were too heavy to handle.

What am I going to do after she dies?. . . FUCK! Did I just think that? Well, I mean, I have to be realistic. Right?

What the hell? No!

The fight kept going, so instead, I settled with pulling a chair beside the bed, dropped my ass on it, then laid my head on the mattress while blocking their voices. Soon later, I felt a hand gently squeeze my shoulder, and I look back at Jane's apologetic expression.

"I'll try." She said hesitantly, "But I cannot guarantee you results."

That didn't assure me, but I nodded. She went towards the other side and palmed Kayla's cheeks, closing her eyes for a moment.

Silence surrounded us, I glanced back and noticed Hades was gone, unsure if I had caused a problem between them, but, to be honest, I didn't care.

I returned my attention to Jane and saw her focusing hard on her powers, but, from my perspective, nothing was happening. I was almost sure this was a waste, but I couldn't afford to lose her. I couldn't let her break my heart when she didn't get the chance to own with it. I hardly believed my first love was never going to be the last one.

So, she's your soulmate?~

I don't know. . . But I'd like to find out.

I didn't want her to live just to freaking date me; I want her to feel loved, to taste life's sweet offers. A long hug after a tough day. A cold drink during the hot summer. A warm snuggle during a midnight movie marathon. A laugh that comes out so hard, it turns silent and gives you a stomach ache. Many people take these simple things for granted because we were born greedy; we wanted more and forget what was given to us. Kayla barely had those moments; she lived a traumatizing childhood followed by a long journey with three werewolves she never fully trusted, only to end up here after being a victim of abuse.

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