#11 Schizophrenia

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Casper's POV

I wasn't going to keep my thoughts to myself, having the urge to tell someone. I knocked on Kayla's door and waited, for a moment I thought she wouldn't want to face me since I fainted on her when she needed me the most— Awake.

But those doubts left when she opened the door and looked up at me without a trace of emotion.

Maybe she does hate you after all?~

I inhaled nervously, "Can I come in?"

She blinked slowly and opened the door. Kayla changed after the incident, she wasn't as loud, as humorous, as free as she used to be, and I don't blame her, seeing someone murdered because you were the reason behind wasn't appealing. I still don't understand how she could blame herself when it was the fault of the murderer himself.

How do I start this conversation? "Hey, you didn't come for dinner? Aren't you hungry? Jackson is the murderer, he used to come to my window. Goodnight!"

Ugh, Casper, I'll disown you if you ever utter such disgraceful words~

I bit my bottom lip and sat on the corner of the bed and faced her, she rested her back on the headboard and stared at me.

"Sorry I fainted." I started off.

She blinked and shrugged, "Alright."

I sucked in my lips then said, "Wanna talk about it?"

Her eyes twitched, but it was either from anger or sadness, I was confused, "Not yet."

I nodded slowly in understanding, the quiet made the atmosphere tense, my memory took me back to when Cassidy was in her 'I'm dark as the midnight, alone, cold, and unforgiving' phase, it took one sentence to break her wall.

Here goes nothing...

Imagining myself as an old grandma, I leaned forward to grab her hands in mine, I squeezed them tightly, my thighs barely touching hers, "I'm here." And said wholeheartedly.

Her eyes snapped at mine, it stared at me straight—to the point where I had to focus on her forehead because of its intensity—and then all emotions came pouring out dramatically just like in anime.

First came a shaking breath, her lips started trembling, "I— I can't—" She choked, then closed her eyes tightly while tears slid down her cheeks, struggling to hold her sadness down, but it had overfilled her heart that it poured out from her eyes—I do see a runny nose too—I wiped the tears away before it can soak her sheets, then pulled her in a hug, wrapping my arms around her tiny figure.

She cried on my shoulder.

I closed my eyes and soothingly rubbed her back, "You can hit me if you want." I suggested in a low tone.

I found out that hitting things/humans calm people, for example, Cassidy, she was very abusive, but only when she's emotional... She's always emotional.

Kayla's fist weakly hit my back, a small smile touched my lips. For a guy that never dated or had female interactions before, I was doing a hella good job!

Great, now back to Kayla, you hairless gorilla~


I rested my free hand on the back of her head and softly played with her hair, her sob became almost unbearably loud that I had to turn her head towards my neck and muffle her voice.

I know! It was a jackass move, but you can't blame me for wanting to save my ears.

My heart did clench when I felt her hot tears on my skin, I never liked it when people cry. I began to gently rock her in my arms.

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