#29 Manual

59 7 1

Casper's POV

Sparkles of water.

That was the first thing that registered into my mind when I saw Kayla roll away from me and fall directly onto the floor.

She was doing a live act of 'rofl', I touched the spit on my cheek in utter shock while her loud laugh was filling the room.

What? Just. . . . What?!

"You-" I heard her choke, "You- Me! Oh, God! I'm getting abs from this! Ah, my stomach!"

I took my time sitting straight then leaned forward to peek at her, she was facing the ceiling while covering her eyes as giggles shook her body as if she was being electrocuted. I wanted to find the humour in what I said, but I couldn't.

Did she really find it funny?

I frowned at her, unamused. I just opened my heart and this what I get? What was I expecting?

Oh, I don't know, a normal reaction?

I rolled my eyes and got out of the bed, walking towards the door, ready to leave to get some fresh air and clear my mind.

"Casper, wait!" She called me, and I turned to face her only to see her wiping the tear from her eyes with a humoured grin, she stood in front of me with hands on her hips, "What do you want?"

"What?" I was taken aback by her question.

"I said, what do you want?" She slowly asked, the humour in her eyes leaving her.

There were many things that I wanted, but it was clear she was hinting at something else.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to see her reaction once I tell her, but I did anyway, "You." My heart was racing while staring into her intense eyes.

"Why?" The bemusement in her face was surprising.

I chuckled nervously, "Do you not know yourself?"

She paused for a moment, then snapped her eyes back at me, "I'm sorry, did you ask if I know myself?"

"I mean I care for you," I mumbled the words under my breath, "You're strong and inspiring, funny and-" Her expression remained puzzled, I sighed loudly then grabbed her shoulders, "I can't explain it, okay? Once you feel it, you're only left with the belief that it's real and strong, I don't know why you're confused."

"I know damn well what it means," She replied with a fixed frown, "I'm still oblivious to the 'me part', I thought you were cracking jokes, everyone gets a bit high during these nights and thought that's what it was! I-" Stepping away from me to sit on the bed, "I'm not the nicest person nor am I the gentle type," Then her eyes looked at mine with the need for clarity, "I'm the epitome of baggage, you know how people tell you to stay away from people with baggage? I'm not a person, I'm a freaking baggage, I don't know how many times I have to mention being a suitcase, but I would do it until you understand. You've seen my scars and saw the worst part of me- the ugly side. How?!" She explained dramatically, "How can you say you love me after everything I've put you through?? I took you away from your own home and family, I traumatized you with my magic and I sure as hell know you still remember the time you blacked out from seeing that dead girl on the wall. How can you look at me and say 'yep, she's a keeper'?"

Damn it, why did I inherit my mom's emotional side?!

My throat felt clogged up as I looked at her question herself, "Kayla-"

"If you would listen to me, I'd advise you to forget it," She spoke harshly, stood up and strode towards me, "I'm taking you back home, and I'll go live my life, you'll immediately see the difference in your life, and it'll be a good one. And when you're ready to be with someone, you'll choose a person who'll provide you happiness and a joyful life because I cannot, for the life of me, see myself doing that."

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