#7 Baby Got Back

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Casper's POV

Drinks poured in glass cups, Augustus was talking about a story when he was alone in Italy. Apparently, they had to go separate ways to find me, back when they had Kayla's terrible drawing of my face— they lost it at some point— and he found lovers who drugged their exes to draw d¡ck tattoos on their foreheads as a valentine gift.

Some say people show their true colours when they're drunk.

I studied them silently and noticed Kate was the only quiet person in the group; she simply enjoyed listening, while the others couldn't stop talking. Surprisingly, Kayla refused to drink.

"A—And they didn't know how to draw!" He burst out laughing, "One of them looked like an arrow, while the other wasn't even a legitimate dick. And the funny thing is," He fisted his hand and placed it on his lips, "The girl did a better dick than the guy!"

My ears perked up, I couldn't help but enjoy the story, but I stopped myself from smiling. I didn't touch my alcohol. I had to stay sober. Controlled. And highkey petty.

Lowkey because I've never drank before and wasn't risking my first with them.

"I don't know how to draw a vagina." Kayla pointed out with a shrug.

"You don't know how to draw. Period." Tiana fired back amusingly.

Kayla scoffed playfully, "Excuse me, I had this guy's face perfectly matched, don't you see it?" They all looked at me.

My back tensed at the unexpected attention.

"You got his nose wrong." Augustus commented, "I remember you made it straight like Voldemort, he is more like, hmm, Kate, help me with this—" She looked closely at my nose, making me feel self-conscious.

I—Is my nose okay? Jesus, no one stared at my nose before! What bullshit is this?!

"Oh, I got it!" She exclaimed, "It's a little of Jay Courtney's." Augustus snapped his fingers in agreement.

"So, how is this going to work?" I asked anxiously.

Tiana answered, "Enjoy this while you still can, Casper. It's going to get serious by tomorrow."

"But at least tell me what will happen or the plan for tomorrow."

Kayla stared at me thoughtfully.

"Augustus will be your physical trainer, giving you all the necessary exercises to strengthen your muscles," Tiana pointed at Augustus, who in return saluted, "Kate will help you with your mental state, doing whatever the hell she needs to do," Kate wiggled her eyebrows in excitement, "I will teach you history as to increase your knowledge, and Kayla—"

Kayla cut her off as she stood up and sat beside me, resting her arm around my shoulder, "I will be the last stage of your full training to help you with your powers. I'll prepare you a nice gift if you're still sane after them."

"Great." I muttered.

"We'll start tomorrow," Tiana informed me, "So for now, try to enjoy your freedom," She paused, "Or what's left of it."

I let out a deep breath, trying to calm my thoughts about dashing out of the house and calmly stood up, all eyes were on me when I asked, "Where will I sleep?"

Kate volunteered, "I'll show you. Follow me."

I ignored their eyes but let out a yelp when my butt got smacked, Tiana let out a cackle while Augustus shook his head, Kayla gave me an innocent smile, "Too irresistible."

Well, that was an ego booster— Wait, no. I never wanted her to smack my tush!

I decided on not replying and followed a sympathetic, amused Kate, leading us to the third door on the right, besides it rests a picture frame of an older woman with dark brown fur covering the third-quarter of the picture.

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