#24 Grow Up

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Umm, I'm not very fond of the title, it feels icky😖 What do you think growing up is all about?

For me, it's the thought process, the ability to make important decisions and able to find the best way to deal with serious situations. Other than that, you can enjoy life and have fun your own way.

Casper's POV

Kayla was changed into a hospital gown with fresh stitches and tubes that were filled with nutrients- At least that's what I'm hoping they were.

The only thing that calmed my nerves was the fact that colour was starting to appear on her face, her lips were no longer blue, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her breathing was much calmer.

I sat on my bed for an unknown amount of hours, staring at her peaceful face until I felt slightly calmer, night had settled and the moon shone brightly and became my source of light in the room. I wanted to stay awake. I was afraid someone would sneak in and try to kill her, and those anxious thoughts weren't leaving no matter how much Water had assured me.

Sleep, you eye torturer! No one will dare enter this room~

I shook my head to fight back but I was struck by a massive headache, my eyes started thumping against my lids, so I gave in and laid back against the soft mattress. I had taken a shower at the last minute when Jane was watching over. It felt nice.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I was reminded of my time as Oliver's captive, my heart began to beat fast. I killed him, and now he's haunting me. Great!

Without realizing it, my eyes teared up while they were closed and I turned on to my left side to face Kayla, my nose burned and my throat was tightening. I was engulfed with the need to be in my parent's embrace, I wanted to hear Troy's 'You can't survive without me.' line, I was ready to have Cassidy chase me to my deathbed but at least she'll be there.

I sniffed back my snot and rubbed the tears away, I gazed at Kayla with immense sadness, it was amazing how she dealt with a rough childhood, traumatizing memories, and insane people, yet, she had turned out strong. I want to be like her.

The more I think about it, the more I would like to get to know her, her way of thinking, her philosophy, her lifestyle. She's still a stranger to me, but it made me more curious. I wanted to learn from her—

My eyes widened when I remembered my favourite trio. What happened to them? It's been a whole month. Were they left alone? Are they in danger? Oliver never talked about them no matter how much we asked.

I gulped deeply, praying to God they were alright, that Oliver had no interest in them and left them where he drugged us. I was not ready for another loss.

I'm not losing her. I am not losing her! She's right here. She's fine.

I couldn't be left alone with my thoughts because they'd consume me. I got off of the bed and walked towards the window, it viewed the long grass field and night guards strolling around. I let out a long breath and hung my head low while putting pressure on my hands as they rested on the window frame.

My mind was all over the place and adding to that was sleep deprivation, how much does the universe want me to handle? God! I was not born to handle this much drama.

Do not underestimate the power of a common man~

I rolled my eyes, "Don't start."

Oh, am I sensing attitude?~

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