Chapter 4

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-Kyle's POV-

That was weird. Why was Bryan say awwwwww to me and Johnnie when we were tweeting back over twitter I guess it's best just not to think about it. I guess I'm going to just have to find out at Warped. I can't to meet all of these amazing people.  I'm so excited. Especially to meet Johnnie. Ever since our first conversation we had while DMing eachother I haven't been able to quit thinking about him. What are you thinking about Kyle? You're not gay. Are you? No... well I dont think I am. I have always thoughts girls were pretty and all, but none of them have made me feel the way I feel while talking to Johnnie. I got so nervous when I was DMing Johnnie. Maybe I'm just confused and nervous about Warped. Ya that's probably it... I'm just nervous.

*Next Day (still Kyle's POV)*

I woke up to the smell of maple syrup and waffles. A.K.A. My mom's specialty. I sat in my bed for a little bit and then decided to get up. It was cold in my room so I slippped on my Batman hoodie and some slippers and went downstairs to the kitchen. I waked over to my mom, gave her a hug, and said good morning. Then grabbed some plates and got some food. For some reason I was in a really good mood. I finished eating my waffles with maple syrup on them and thanked my mom after cleaning my plate.

I went up to my room and decided to get ready for the day. I took a quick shower. Then I grabbed my Pierce The Veil shirt, My black girl jeans, and a purple beanie. I did my hair and put on my grey vans. Then I unplugged my phone from it's charger and checked my messages and notifications. I saw that I had a DM from Bryan.

Bryan: Hey Kyle. Can't wait for Warped. I know Johnnie can't wait. He won't quit talking about you. Between you and me I think he has a little crush on you Kyle. Don't tell Johnnie I said that he will KILL me!

When I read that I immidiately started blushing and I didn't know what to say so I ended up saying:

Kyle: I'm sure that's not true. He's probably just excited about Warped.

As soon as I sent that I got a reply. Our conversation went like this:

B: If you ask me I don't think hes been thinking about Warped.

K:Then what do you think he's been thinking about?

B: You....duh.

K: Why would you think that?.....We're just friends.

B: *cough**Cough* For now.

K: Really? Back to the point. Why do you think Johnnie has been thinking about me?

B: That's for ME to know and for You to NEVER find out

K: Wow Bryan...How mature.

B: I know right?

K: I was kidding.

B: Shhhhh. I go to go Johnnie just got up and hit me with a pillow.

K: Lol bye dawg.

B: Byeeeee

Well that was weird. Why wouldn't he tell me why he thinks Johnnie has been thinking about  me?  Ugh! I'm so confused!

Maybe I'll just go back to bed or go to the park or something.

-Bryan's POV-

I was DMing Kyle and then all of a sudden Johnnie hits me in the back of the head with a pillow.

"What the hell was that for Johnnie?"

"That was for what you did last night."

"What did I do?" I asked while acting confused and innocent.

"You know what you did. Dont play dumb. That was a really dick move." He paused for a second and he looked at my phone and said, "Who are you DMing?"

"N-No one." I said a little to quickly.

He smirked and rose an eyebrow at me.  "Oh really?" Then he all of a sudden took my phone and ran to his bedroom. Then locked the door behind him.

I started banging on his door. "Johnnie open the damn door!"

-Johnnie's POV-

"Johnnie open the damn door!" Bryan yelled while banging on the door.

I didn't respond. He was already to late. I've already started reading the messages between him and Kyle. HE IS SO DEAD.

"Johnnie, open up!"

"You're so dead, asshole."

"Johnnie, I swear I was just kidding around. I will tell him that if you want me to. I promise."

"You better." I said while opening the door. Now Kyle probabaly thinks I'm a freak thanks to Bryan. That asshole.


Sorry If this chapter was crappy. My mom had her baby friday.

But other than that and all my school work, My life has been pretty boring.

Plus I will try to update every week.

Love y'all.

Vote, Comment, and whatever.

-~pierce the sleeping black chemicals~-

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