Chapter 9:

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Kyle's POV:

" Well it that case, my answer is- I'm sorry. I'm going to have to say... Yes." Johnnie said.

"Really?" I said. Does he really want to? I mean like we just met. Does he really want to? Maybe he just messing with me. No he wouldn't do that... Would he? No.

"Yes really!" Johnnie said while smiling ear to ear. He's so cute when he's happy and excited for once.

"Good cuz I really like you." I said then smacked my hand over my mouth after realizing what I said and started blushing fiercely. Why am I so awkward and embarrass my selfall the time? I really need to think before I speak.

Johnnie just giggled and said. "I really liked you too. Also quit being so tense. There is no need for that."

"I-im sorry." I said while rubbing the back of my neck. That's one of my nervous habit I have.

"Don't be. You just need to have a little fun." He said while still smiling. I've never seen him this happy but then again I just met him. But he's never seemed this happy. He always seemed so down and just out of it. Maybe I just shouldn't think that much about it. I'll just focus on what's happening now.


"So where are we going for dinner?" Johnnie asked. Oh shit I didn't even think about where we would go if he said yes.

"Ummmm how about we go out for some pizza."

"That would be amazing especially since Bryan took my pizza."

"Ok get ready and let's go!" I say.

Johnnie starts getting ready. Then out of the blue, about 5 minutes later, i feel two slender arms wrap around me from behind. I tense up until I see its Johnnie then relax.

"Do you know where my sweat shirt is?" Johnnie asked. With his arms still around me. I turn so I'm facing him. He has his arms around my waist and me being the awkward person I am, I don't know where to put my arms. So I end up putting them around his neck and I subconsciously mess with his hair.

We sit there in silence just starng in each others eyes. That I'd until I break the science by saying, "No, but you could wear one of mine if you want."

"Sure." He says while smiling even more than before if this even possible.

I rummage through my suitcase after getting out of Johnnie's grip. "Here" I say as I toss him the sweatshirt I wore this morning. He puts it on.

Johnnie's POV

"Here." Kyle says while tossing his sweatshirt to me. I gladly take it and put it on. Yay. It still smells like him. It smells so good. Then I notice kyle looking at me from head to toe.

"What?" I say.

"Nothing you just look really hot in my sweatshirt."

I feel the blood rushing to my face and I begin toblush a deep dark shade of red. "T-thanks." I stutter. Why is it that this boy can have this sort of effect on me? Ive never felt like this towards anyone but I kinda like it.

"So you ready to go?"

"Yes I'm starving!"

This date should be interesting, but I can't wait. I just want to be alone with Kyle or just be with him in general. He makes me so happy.


Wow, over 1k reads.

Dang I thought I would only get like 50 if that,

But over 1k that's a lot.

I hope you guys are enjoying the story.

Sorry for the short update.

I'm thinking for the next chapter that it would be their date and stuff.

Love you guys


-~pierce the sleeping black chemicals~-

It Makes Me Mad, Knowing You're Sad (BoyxBoy Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now