Chapter 36

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Johnnie's POV:

The meet up went by fast and now Kyle and I are walking back to the bus. Damon, Jordan, and Bryan went to get a bite to eat. So we were alone meaning I have to talk to Kyle about why I've been so distant and what I've been hiding from him.


I am not looking forward to this, but if this will make our relationship better and stronger, then I have to do it. I don't want to loose him.

We walk onto the tour bus and sit in the back on the couch. I fiddled with my thumbs nervously.

"Start with the easiest part to talk about." Kyle said.

I sigh. Then I take a deep breath. "Lets'm upset." I said while trying to figure out what to say.

"What are you upset about?" Kyle asked. I really don't want to tell him, but I know he'll worry about me if I tell him or not. So might as well tell him and get this over with.

"The hate we've been getting ever since we came out. I know I shouldn't let stuff like this get to me, but honestly it has. It hurts that we get hate for being who we are. We shouldn't get hate because of who we love. I just want to be accepted or at least not to get death threats or be told I'm going to go to he'll for being with who I love. Its stupid, I'm being stupid, I know." I said honestly.

"Johnnie, you're not being stupid. I know how you feel, but we can get through this. If we can get through this we can get through anything. I will be by your side through this. You can always talk to me. Also is there anything else you want to talk about?" Kyle said sweetly.

"Um. So you know how you were mad about me not telling you about this? Well I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to have more weight on your shoulders and... I-I was afraid you would take it the wrong way." I said while looking down.

"What do you mean by you were afraid I'd take it the wrong way?" Kyle said while cocking his head to the side. He looks so cute when he does that.

"I thought that you would like think I regretted coming out, which I don't. I'm glad we did. I just was not mentally prepared for all the hate. I try not to let it get to me, but to be honest it does." I said.

Kyle locked eyes with me and then pulled me into a hug. He kissed my forehead and said, "Its going to be ok, Johnnie. Thank you for sharing with me and I want you to know something. Those people who are saying that rude stuff are just jealous of our relationship and are probably going to grow up to be 40 year old virgins with tons of cats." He said while flashing his amazing smile that makes my stomach do flips. I start to laugh a little bit at the '40 year old virgins with tons of cats' remark.

"You're right, Kyle. Also thanks for listening to my non-sense." I said while pulling away from Kyle's grip to look him in the eye. Kyle leaned in and I gladly closed the gap. Our lips moved in sync and I smiled into the kiss. He licked my bottom asking for entrance which I denied. He groaned in annoyance which only made me smirk. He licked my bottom lip once again, but this time he groped my crotch causing me to gasp and he took the opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance and Kyle won. His tongue explored my mouth until we had to breath. Then Kyle's lips moved to my neck. He grazed the sensitive skin with his lips and every once in a while his teeth. His breath on my neck was enough to give me the chills. After a few minutes, he pulled away and started to walk off saying, "You're not the only one who can be a tease."

I just sighed and shook my head. "You're an idiot." I said while rolling my eyes at him.

"Yeah, but I'm your idiot." Kyle said while walking back over to me and giving me another quick kiss.

This boy is going to be the death of me.


That's it until probably tomorrow. 

It is currently almost 11pm and I have to get up at 5am, but I can't sleep.

The struggle is real.


-Pierce The Sleeping Black Chemicals-

It Makes Me Mad, Knowing You're Sad (BoyxBoy Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now