Chapter 55 (Final Chapter)

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This is the last chapter. I will write another Kohnnie book. Not sure if it will be a sequel or a book with a different plot. Comment what you think I should do.

Kyle's POV:

I sigh I knew this day would come, but I didn't think it would come so quickly. It makes me upset knowing that I won't be able to see Johnnie for who knows how long. I already lost him once...I don't want to loose him again. My life was hell without him. I don't know how I'm going to get through who knows how long without him. Also Warped Tour, I'm gonna miss it. Hanging out with the greatest friends in the world, meeting all of my amazing fans, and actually being happier than I've ever been. Sure there were some bumps in the road, but still in the end I was happier than ever.

"Kyle, you have been trying to fold the same shirt for five minutes. Are you okay?" Bryan asked.

"Yeah...yeah I just zoned out for a second." I replied.

"Oh okay. Do you need help packing? I'm already done with my packing." Bryan said while taking the shirt out of my hand, folding it, and putting it in my suit case.

"Yeah sure. Thanks Bryan."

After about 15 minutes everything was packed and Bryan informed everyone what their flight times are. Mine is at 7:00pm, and Damon, Johnnie, and Bryan's flight is at 6:30. It's only 1:00. So we still have a while. The airport is an hour away and we want to be there a little early. I really don't want to leave.

I shake the bad thoughts out of my head.

"Kyle, you ready to go eat?" Johnnie asks.

"Yup. Let's go." I reply as enthusiastically as possible.

We walk to the restaurant which happened to be Chipotle. We ordered our food and sat in silence lost in our own heads.

"What are you thinking about, Kyle?" Johnnie asked after the long tense silence between us. I knew he was staring at me, but I still didn't look up to meet his eyes. I shifted under his gaze, obviously uncomfortable and not want to share what was on my mind. Johnnie didn't press the subject either. He just sighed and sipped on his drink. He is obviously worried about me, but even if I told him what was going on my head I know he couldn't help. My problem was him and the fact that I won't be able to see him for who knows how long and how much I hate long distance long distance.

I looked up slowly upon hearing plates being sat down on our table. Thankful for the distraction and for a reason not to talk.

~After Chipotle and Car Ride to the Airport~

It was time for us to leave one another and we knew it. Yet we both just stood there looking at each other and not aware of our surroundings until Bryan notified us that one of our flights have been moved up and now our flights are at the same time. We both sighed knowing this was the inevitable and there is nothing that could be done about it. The atmosphere was tense until Johnnie threw his arms around me engulfing me in a hug. I laughed obviously still upset, but relaxing into his touch.

He brought his lips up to me ear and whispered, "I love you." It sent shivers down my spine. His words were genuine and heart felt.

"I love you too." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

It wasn't until we both recoiled from the hug that I realized we both had begun to cry. This was completely and utterly heartbreaking. I couldn't stand to see him cry and that's when our flights were called. We both wiped our tears and shared 1 more goodbye kiss and hug. Then went our separate ways sulkingly. I hated this. I hated this feeling. I hated that I had gotten so involved with him that I didnt even think about how much this would hurt, but it did.

This was the last time I would see Johnnie Guilbert for 6 months and little did we know that would be the worst 6 months of our lives.

The End


It's finally over. I will garuntee you that I will be writing another Kohnnie book. I don't know if it will be a sequel or not (probably will be but whatever)
Thanks for reading this book even though as I read through the beginning I realize how cringe-y it was.

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