Chapter 51

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3rd Person POV

The first to wake up the next day was Kyle. He was having one of his reoccurring nightmares. He would have the same dream every night and would always wake up at the same part.

The dream went like this. Kyle. wakes up on a cold concrete floor. He looks around. Its dark all besides 1 window and a door cracked open. He crawls with scrapped knees and knuckles until he gets to the door. He pulls himself up with the door handle then opens the door. Kyle finds himself in his bedroom at home. There's someone on the bed crying. He goes over to see who it is. More like what it is. He shakes the person but only it isn't human. It is his inner demon. It turns over and looks him in the eyes. Kyle is paralyzed with fear.His demon gets up off the bed and brushes its long claws over Kyle's face leaving a few more scratches on his face. His demon then whispers in his ear things like "you're worthless." "You'll never be good enough." "No one likes you." and so on. Kyle just nods knowing all of these things are true. His demon gives him a wicked sharp toothed smile before stabbing him with his long sharp claw.

Kyle always wakes up at that part. Always after he gets stabbed. He always wakes up shaking and breathing heavily. He finally starts the calm down after he realizes it was just a dream and that he's on the warped bus in his bunk.

After he calms down enough he gets out of bunk. Being careful not to wake anyone. He walks into the kitchen in his fluffy batman pajama pants and no shirt. He pours himself a bowl of cereal and sits at the table.

The second to wake up is Johnnie. He walks into the kitchen in black sweatpants and a hoodie. He looks over at Kyle and smiles. Then pours himself a bowl of cereal and sits next to him.

Johnnie notices that Kyle is a little off. He was going to ask Kyle what's wrong, but Damon and Bryan walked in. They both grabbed poptarts and sat across from Kyle and Johnnie. We make small clock, but Johnnie was still worried about Kyle. Once they made eye contact Johnnie gave him a look as if asking if he was okay. Kyle gave him an unconvincing nod. Once they finished their cereal Johnnie pulled Kyle aside to talk. He was going to get to the bottom of this and he was determined.


I'm just going to stop there because I have school and its finals week.
I'm at physical therapy with my brother and its almost time to go to school. So yeah.

This book is coming to an end soon. Idk when, but its soon.

Thanks for the support on this book. I have decided that I am doing another Kohnnie book but idk if it is going to a sequel or an AU.

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