Chapter 15

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Johnnie's POV:

After I styled my hair and checked myself out in the mirror to make sure I looked ok enough for kyle, I walked out of the bathroom. When I walked out I saw Kyle with a big crimson blush upon his face.

"what's going on?" I asked very confused.

Kyle's POV:

"what's going on?" Johnnie asked.

Bryan looked at me with a smirk upon his face.

"Uh-uh nothing." I said. "We better get going to bed. Bryan just told me we leave for Warped in the morning. At like 6:00am." I don't think hes convinced.

Johnnie sighed and said, "6am?! I'm going to be exhausted. So who's sleeping where?"

Bryan's POV: (haha twist)

"So who's sleeping where?" Johnnie asked.

I took the opertunity to put the plan more into action. I know they were going at it in the shower. They don't fool me one bit.

"Um. Damon and I already called the beds. So you guys can figure out where you guys want to sleep." I say then leave the room. How much you want to bet that before the nights over they'll be all cuddled up and sleeping together? I have to call Damon now and tell him that the warped bus is picking us all up.

Johnnie's POV:

"First one to the couch gets it." I yell and begin to run.

He catches up to me and then we get to the couch. We jump on the couch and I land on him. We sit there laughing and then just end up staring into eachothers eyes in a comfortable silence.

I'm going to stop there.
So there's just a little filler because I know I haven't updated in what seems like forever.
I can finally start updating again because I'm feeling better now.
I'm not as sad and I'm not really sick anymore.
Thanks for all the nice comments and all the votes. I love you guys.
-pierce the sleeping black chemicals-

It Makes Me Mad, Knowing You're Sad (BoyxBoy Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now