Chapter 13

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A/N this is random but my favorite number is 13.

Kyle's POV

We came out to Damon and Bryan and they accepted us even when we missed eachother. The only thing they said when we were kissing was, "Get a room." then we just laughed because they were so immature.

Then Johnnie and I retorted, "We had a room until you guys barged in and decided to make yourselves at home."

"We get the hint. So we're leaving." Damon said.

"But... " bryan said.

"No buts bryan. We're leaving. " Damon said acting like a mom again. Man that boy can be quite odd sometimes.

Then we exchanged goodbyes and they left.

"So what do you want to do now." I asked johnnie curiously.

He smirked. I wonder why. "I don't know... " he trailed off.

"Well im going to go take a shower, ok?" I said.

"Ok." he said while smirking again. I wonder what tricks he has pulled up his sleeve.

I walk in the bathroom and close the door. I don't lock it because honestly I don't care if johnnie comes in the bathroom with me. I start to get undressed and turn on the shower to where its not to hot, but not to cold. Then while its heating up I plug my phone in to the speakers and turn on some pierce the veil. After I choose a song I get in the shower.
After a while I feel a pair of slender arms wrap around my waste. I turn around to see who it was and it was johnnie. Then we kiss eachother under the water.

And im just gonna stop there. The next chapter will probably contain some smut. If you don't like smut don't read it. Lol so had a three day weekend this week and I don't want to go back to school on monday, but I have to. :( so ya. But I have a 5 day weekend this week for easter break. So don't be surprised if I update alot.

-~pierce the sleeping black chemicals~-

Btw im gonna start calling myself that.

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