Chapter 25

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I don't know where I'm going with this story, but I'll figure it out eventually. XD OK continue.

*2 Days Later!*

Johnnie's POV:

It's been two days since we came out to Jordan and found out he might be bi.

Now we under the youtube tent at warped. It's the middle of the day and I've already met so many people. I love meeting you guys. You all are amazing.

Today has been great. Especially since Kyle is happy. I can see it. He hasn't smiled this much and this genuinely for who knows how long. Everytime he smiles, I can't help, but stare and smile. Then I silently curse myself for staring. Kyle and I haven't came out to our fans or anything yet. I don't want to give our secret away.

I was snapped out of my thoughta by a small girl with rainbow hair and snake bites. She looked about 17 years old and she said, "Can I get a picture with you and Kyle?" Her voice was so small. I just smiled at her and nodded my head. Then I waved Kyle over.

"What's up Johnnie?" Kyle asked.

"Umm ... sorry I didn't catch your name."

"It's Audrey." She said shyly.

"OK. Audrey wants a picture with us." I said and smiled and both Audrey and Kyle.

"OK let's do this. By the way Audrey I like your hair." Kyle said with a smile.

We took pictures with Audrey and when we were about to turn around and leave. She stopped us.

"Hey guys can I get a picture of just you to together?" She said with a small giggle.

"Sure." We said in unison and laughed.

Kyle and I stood beside eachother and Kyle draped his arm over my shoulder. We both smiled and she snapped the picture. Well her and a bunch of other fangirls.

After our little "photoshoot" was over, we decided to go back to the bus. I still haven't talked to Kyle about the roof incident yet. I feel like I should, but I don't want to make him uncomfortable. I'm just gonna have to such it up and do it.

*on the bus*

"Kyle, Can I talk to you about something?" I said as we sat down at the table on the bus with peace tea and food.

"Sure. What about?" He said.

There was a few moments of silence as I tried to figure out how to word this.

"... its about the other day before we left for warped... when you were on the roof and were sitting on the edge." I said choking back all the emotions and tears I could. I have to be strong for him.


I will right the rest of their Convo in the next part.

Also it talks about depression and other stuff related to that. If it is triggering or you do not like reading stuff like that then don't read that part of the chapter.

OK love you guys.

Vote, Comment, Or Whatever.

-Pierce The Sleeping Black Chemicals~

It Makes Me Mad, Knowing You're Sad (BoyxBoy Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now