Chapter 21

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I don't really know where I'm going with this story, but I'll figure it out eventually. Also I love you guys and you guys are amazing. *blows kiss* Thanks for all the reads, votes, and comments. Also if you ever need to talk just message me. Ok Bye.

Also just a question can one of you beautiful people possibly make a new cover for this story? If you can I love you!♥

Johnnie's POV:

It's been about 10-15 minutes since I found Kyle sitting on the ledge. I'm really worried. I knew he had depressions before, but I thought he got over it. I guess I was wrong. He acted strong, but I could see right through him. He may act happy, but I knew he really wasn't and when I found him on the roof this morning, it confirmed my suspicion. He hasn't gotten over his depression and it scares me. All I want is him to be happy and to protect him, but how am I going to be able to do that when he's battling with himself. I feel so useless.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts because I didn't want to think negatively and I want to be there for Kyle. He finally stopped shaking and crying. He was just zoned out. I sat him in a chair and knelt in front of him so we were eye level. I looked into his eyes. They were so emotionless, it was like he was dead.

"Kyle." I said. He glanced at me, then looked away.

"Kyle look at me." I said. This time he looked me in the eyes. His eyes still held no emotion. I hated seeing him like this.

"Kyle we need to communicate." I said. All he did was nod.

"What happened?" I asked. I was so worried you could practically hear my voice dripping with the fear and anxiety mixed with worry. He started to say something, but nothing came out. He eventually just closed his mouth and didn't say anything. He just sat there.

Eventually I looked at the time on my phone and saw there was only about 10 minutes until the warped bus is supposed to come. I stand up and take Kyle's hand. He doesn't even pay attention to me until I pull him up out of the chair.

"We have to go meet up with Bryan, Damon, and Jordan. Then go to the bus. We can finish talking there if you'd like. I don't want to pressure you into something you don't want to do." I said and all he did was nod with no expression or emotion what so ever. This broke my heart.

I still had a hold of his hand and went to let go, but he laced our fingers and wouldn't let go. I was fine with that though. To be honest all I wanted to do was be close to him and hug him. I wanted to tell him everything will be ok. I want to comfort him and just be with him. He is my everything and I cant loose him. I need him and he needs me.

We walk down the stairs and find Bryan, Damon, and Jordan waiting for us. Jordan looks at our hands and gives us a suspisions look. I shook my head and mouthed the words 'don't ask'. There was obvious tension in the air and I don't know why. I guess I'll find out later.

We all began walking down to the front of the hotel and waited for the bus to get here. Once it did we all put our stuff up and climbed on the bus. Kyle still hasn't let go of me. He just held on to me tightly.

"Do you want to lay down in a bunk?" I asked kyle. He nodded. He pointed to the bottom left bunk and I guided him that way. He let go of my hand and laid down getting comfortable. I went to walk away and then I heard a familiar voice. It was so small and timid that I almost didn't here it. It was kyle.

"Johnnie..." kyle said once more while looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Yes, Kyle." I said calmly.

"Will you come lay with me?" Kyle said timidly.

"Sure, kyle. Anything for you." I said. I was a little glad he asked me to stay. I didn't want to leave him in his state. I was worried.

Kyle made room for me im his bunk and I climbed in. We covered up in his big fluffy rainbow unicorn blanket which always seemed to make him feel a little better. He turned toward the wall. I faced his back and draped my arm over him. I pulled him closer to me, closing the gap between us. I started playing with his hair with my free hand.

Eventually I heard soft snoring from the fragile boy beside me. I didn't want to wake him, but I had to use the bathroom which thankfully was that far from the bunk. I slowlyt but surely get up. Being careful not to wake him. I walk to the bathroom quiet as a mouse.

I did my business and when I opened the door I was face to face with Jordan. He had a suspicious look on his face. It was like he wanted to say something or was planning something.

"What's up Jordan?" I said casually, but quietly because Kyle was still sleeping as far as I know.

"What's up with you and Kyle?" He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You guys were cuddling last night, holding hands, cuddling again, and what not. Are you to like a thing?" Jordan said. I couldn't tell if he was ok if we were or didn't want to be around us if we were. He was bound to ask this question. I was expecting him to ask if Kyle was ok, but I guess he cares about my relationship with Kyle than Kyle's emotional state. A part of me wants to tell Jordan that me and Kyle are a thing, but the rest of me has a bad feeling about this.


Will Johnnie tell Jordan Kyle and him are a thing? What will Jordan's reaction be if Johnnie tells him Kyle and him are a thing? Is Jordan homophobic? What will happened next?

Love you guys.

Remember you can always message me.

Vote, Comment, or Whatever. ♥

-Pierce The Sleeping Black Chemicals-

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