Chapter 33: Coming Out

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Kyle's POV:

I got off of Johnnie and grabbed the camera. I set it up in the back and we sat down infront of it. Then we began recording.

"Hey guys. It's Kyle and," then I gestured to Johnnie.

"Johnnie." He said.

"Um so here goes nothing." I intertwine our fingers and hold them up for the camera to see. Then I kiss Johnnie. "I'm dating Johnnie. I-I'm gay" I say with a sigh of relief.
Johnnie hugged me and said to the camera, "and I'm bisexual." He smiled. "If you have a problem with me or Kyle then unsubscribe from us right now."

We both smiled. "Bye kyeforce..."

"And thugpugs." Johnnie chimed it.

Johnnie and I kissed again and that's how we ended the video.

We both sighed. I laid my head on Johnnie's shoulder and he put his hand on my thigh. We just sat there a moment then got up and started editing the video.


That's what you get for now.

Hope you guys liked it.

Next chapter, you with get to see the fans reactions and Johnnie's/kyle's reaction to the fans reactions. If that makes since.

Haha ok. Bye.

Vote, Comment, or Whatever.

-Pierce The Sleeping Black Chemicals-

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