A day with Damon part 2 of 3

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I was supposed to help with a drive One for your school fundraiser for band Saturday but of course I over slept. Oh well. Also the marching band competition went great. We ranked 4 out of 28 bands. 1 rating in parade 2 rating in field. Ranked 4th in parade out of our division and 3rd in field in our division. Next weekend we have a competition out of state. I live in Missouri and we are going to Quincy, Illinois. So that cool. I should quit babbling it's not like you guys care. Well carry on.

Johnnie's POV:

I saw Kyle at the register and instantly froze. This was supposed to be a day with out drama and where I could get my mind off of things. Of course the universe wasn't going to let that happen.

"We can leave and just go to the next thing on the list. Which is the mall. " Damon said.

I sighed. "Damon, it's fine. I'll just pretend he's not there and hope he doesn't see us. "

"Ok if you say so."

Damon and I continue talking, laughing, and acting like complete goofballs.

Kyle's POV:

After I get my order at Starbucks, I walk and go sit at a table near the the back. I get on my phone and reply to some tweets and get on snapchat. Then I hear a familiar laugh. I look around to see if he was here. That's when I spot him.

It was none other than Johnnie Guilbert. Who is he here with? I can't see his face. I continue watching them. Gosh I am such a stalker. But I can't resist. Johnnie is so amazing. Why did I go and mess things up with him? I mess everything up.


Here's an update. Sorry it's taking me so long to update. My schedule is hectic. After marching band season is over, I will have more time to update. I promise.

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