Chapter 5: Feelings

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-Kyle's POV-

I was blushing a bright red crimson color after I finished DMing Bryan. I keep rereading the messages. What was Bryan trying to say? Does Johnnie like me? No, he's straight. At least I'm pretty sure he is. Isn't he? He's had girlfriends before I'm pretty sure. Maybe Bryan was just joking. Why am I even blushing anyway? I'm just confused. I don't like Johnnie. Just face it kyle. You like Johnnie. No I don't he's just a friend. So sit up brain. Nope quit denying it. You like Johnnie and you know it. Your just afraid to admit it. No I'm not. Shut up. You can't run from me kyle. I'm your brain. Just shut up. Fine. I'll be back tomorrow. This isn't over. Don't do anything stupid. Ugh. Do I have feelings for Johnnie? I mean like we're friends and all, but am I feeing something more towards him? Well if I am he's not going to return the feelings. I'm 99.99999% sure he's straight but I could be wrong.

Why do feelings have to be so complicated?

"Kyle honey what's wrong you've been staring at the same spot for like over five minutes. What's on your mind?" My mom says.

Should I tell her I think I have feelings for Johnnie?

"Oh my goodness! Did you just say what I think you just said? I want to know everything!" My mom said acting like a teenage girl.

I feel my cheeks getting warm and all the blood rush to my face. "I said that out load didn't I?"

"Yes and I want to know everything. Who is Johnnie? How did you realize you like him? Is he nice? Is he cute? How did you meet?"

"Calm down mom. Johnnie is another youtuber that's going on warped. Ummm we first talked to each other last night over Twitter. He's really nice. He's really cute. Ummm and I realized I was developing feelings for him today. I just have this feeling I can't explain every time somebody mentions him, I talk to him, even if I just think about him. Its like I get some many butterflies, I blush constantly, and so much more. The down side is that I'm pretty sure he's straight and it sucks to like someone that won't ever return the feelings."

"He sounds wonderful kyle. Also you never know, he right return the feelings. Life is full of surprises. You just have to put yourself out there anif he doesn't like you back then he is messed up because your amazing." My mom said and then kissed me on the forehead.

"Thanks mom. You always know what to say. I love you" I say with a smile.

"Now go get some sleep. I love you too. G'night Kyle."

"G'Night mom." I say as I walk upstairs. I take a quick shower. Then lay down in bed with only boxers on. Yeah, I sleep in only boxers. Got a problem with that? I didnt think so. That night i fell asleep thinking of johnnie.

-Johnnie's POV-

"Johnnie get of your ass! We have to start packing for warped. So tomorrow when we pick up Kyle, we'll be ready to go straight to the hotel."

Oh yeah I forgot we have to pick up Kyle tomorrow. How can I forget? I've been talking to Kyle all week and he mentions it all the time. I can't wait to see him. In a friendly way. Yeah, a friendly way. Keep telling yourself the Johnnie. What are you trying to say brain? Oh nothing. You'll find out soon enough. OK. This is starting to get weird. Says the boy who is talks and argues with his brain. Shut up. Never. You can't run from me, I am part of you. Now this is really weird. Haha.

"Johnnie did you hear me?"

"Yeah I'm getting up." I say as I get out of bed and pull on my pajama pants.

"Good now pack. I know you can't wait to see kyle."

I immediately start blushing a deep shade of crimson. Why does this always have to happen when someone mentions kyle? Ugh what is this feeling I'm feeling? Do I like kyle? Ugh.

"Ooooo someone's blushing again!" Bryan said while being the jack ass he is.

"Shut up! I have to pack and make a q&a video before we leave." I say as I tweet saying I need questions for my video.

"Fine! Now hurry up."

"K. Now leave."

After bryan left I immediately packed my bag and the started recording my video.

"Hey thugpugs! Its Johnnie! And today I am going to be doing a q&a. I asked you guys to tweet me some questions and I will be reason some of them and answering them. So yeah. Let's do this.

Question #1:
Would you ever date a fan?

Of course I would!

Question #2:
Will you be my best friend?


Question #3:

Are you going on warped?


Question #4:

Do you have feelings for Kyle David Hall?

*starts blushing deep shade of crimson* Ummm-Uhhh well. I don't know how to answer this. Haha. I like him the way I like him and right now idk what I'm feeling towards him. I'm just confused. We'll just have to wait and see ummm how it plays out at warped and see if my feelings will sort them selves out.... Well peace out thugpugs. If you liked the video please give it a thumbs up and comment. Love you guys! Byee!" I say then turn off the camera. Well that was a weirs video. I hope Kyle doesn't see it. Oh god Bryan is gonna tease me.

I edit the video then post it when I'm satisfied with it. After I post it I go to bed because I'm exhausted. Tomorrow is gonna be a very interesting day. I can't wait to see kyle. That night I fell asleep thinking of Kyle.


Hope you guys liked it.

Vote comment or whatever.

Love y'all!


Idek why but I'm in a good mood for once.

So I might do a double update.

We'll see what happens! ✌

Peace out peoples.

-~pierce the sleeping black chemicals~-

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