Chapter 39

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Sorry I haven't updated. Been having writers block, but here's an update. Ok. Carry on.


Johnnie's POV:

It seems as if people are hiding things from me. Kyle has been distant lately. Bryan doesn't even look me in the eye let alone speak to me often anymore. Damon barely speaks to me either. Then there's Jordan. He is the only one that has been acting normal.

Everything changed the night that Kyle went for a walk. Ever since then they have been acting different. Did I do something wrong? Shit. I hope I didn't do anything wrong. I'm just being paranoid. Maybe nothing happened. I just need some fresh air.

I walk past everyone on the bus. They don't utter a word to me. Bryan only gives me a sympathetic look. I wonder what that was for. I don't think to much about it though and walk of the bus. I begin walking. We are in Florida today for warped. I'm supposed to be having a meet up soon. So I decide to start making my way to the warped tent. I walk slowly and just take time to think.

When I finally make it to the warped youtubers tent, I look around at everything. Then my eyes land on Kyle.

Kyle's POV

I was walking around warped to pass the time. It was about 10-15 minutes until our meet up. So I started to make my way to the warped youtubers tent. That's when I saw Johnnie. He was looking at me with a look of confusion and anger. The guilt started to well up inside me. Sure the kiss wasn't my fault, but I still feel guilty. I feel like I should tell Johnnie what happened that night and why I have been sort of avoiding him, but it would kill him.

What should I do?


Not very eventful, but hey here's an update.
I have writers block.
If you have any ideas for this book.
Then feel free to pm or comment them.
Also if you guys ever need anything you can pm or Kik me.
My Kik is different876
Vote, Comment, or Whatever.
-Pierce The Sleeping Black Chemicals-

It Makes Me Mad, Knowing You're Sad (BoyxBoy Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now