Chapter 50

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-Next Day-

Damon's POV:

I come back to the bus at 6am. Why am I still awake? Why didn't I go back to the bus sooner? Who knows. I laugh to myself the guys are going to be mad at me. I hope they worked it all out. Locking them on the bus together was my last resort. Hopefully they didn't murder each other. Oh goodness. I start walking faster at that thought. I hope they're okay.

I finally reach the door. I put my ear to it. I hear Bryan snoring. They must be asleep. I quietly unlock the door. All the lights are off and its dark. I start to quietly make my way to the back by feeling my way around.

Suddenly the lights are turned on. I close my eyes to calm myself and prepare for what I'm about to endure. I after a few seconds I open my eyes to see 2 very unhappy faces.

Johnnie had a hip cocked to the side, his arms crossed, and a look of rage in his eyes. While kyle was standing next to him in the same position.

I awkwardly rub the back of my neck and ramble of a few sorrys. Then Johnnie and Kyle bust out laughing.

"Oh goodness. We got you good. You thought we were mad. Haha you looked so scared." They said while laughing and high fived each other.

I gave them a confused look. "So I see you guys have made up. Where's Bryan?"

"Yup and Bryan's pasted out." Kyle said as he gestured to the sleeping Bryan in his bunk.

"What are you guys doing up?" I asked.

"We were waiting for you to get back and we were watching movies." Johnnie said as he smirked at Kyle.

"Please don't Netflix and chill while I'm on the bus." I said with a serious look then laughed as they both blushed.

I roll my eyes walk to my bunk as kyle yells, "NO PROMISES!" with a wink.

I eventually change into my pajamas and lay in my bunk. I smile to myself. I'm glad everything worked out. Kyle and Johnnie have made up. Johnnie and Bryan as far as I know have made up too. Everything is good. Then I sigh as I remember that we only have 1 week left of warped tour.


There will be about 2-4 more chapters of this book. I might do a sequel but I haven't decided. I might just do another kohnnie book. I've been thinking about doing a Kohnnie AU. But idk I haven't decided yet.

Anyways I decided to update because I have a band concert tomorrow and I have no idea what I'm doing over the weekend. So might as well update today. Also I FINALLY finished my research paper in English. Probably got a bad grade on it because the topic I had didn't interest me. My topic was evolution vs creationism. It was boring as hell. Also I don't know when I'm going to post next. I haven't been in the best of mood. I've been really upset lately. If I feel up to it then I will update sometime next week.

It Makes Me Mad, Knowing You're Sad (BoyxBoy Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now