A Day With Damon Part 3 of 3

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Sorry for short updates. I will have more time to update and have longer updates soon. Carry on.

Johnnie's POV:

Damon and I leave Starbucks. Luckily Kyle never came over to talk to us.

"Where to now, Damon?" I ask curiously.

"The mall." Damon says while skipping down the sidewalk. Damon always has this energetic vibe and you just want to be around him.

I continue walking behind Damon. After a little bit, we finally make it to the mall.

We wonder around the mall until we find hot topic. We spend a little bit in there until my stomach starts to growl.

"Damonnn I'm hungry." I whine.

"One second let me pay for this. Then we can get something to eat." He says as he hands the cashier his money. "Where do you want to eat?"

"Let's go to Chipotle." I say while we walk out of Hot Topic.

We walk around until we find chipotle.

As soon as we get our food, we dig in. We sit in silence while eating for a little until Damon speaks up.

"Are you ok, Johnnie?" Damon asked with concern lacing his voice and a serious look on his face. He has hope in his eyes. I bet he hopes I'll say I'm fine and really mean it. I avoid his gaze and sigh.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Why do you ask?" I say and give him a small fake smile to try to convince him.

He gives me a look telling me he doesn't believe me. "Johnnie, tell me the truth. I know you're not ok. It's ok to hurt. You don't have to hide it." He says.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. For a second I thought Damon was going to yell at me, but instead he was acting like a supportive mother.

"Everything is just so hard and confusing. I'm not upset about Kyle and Jordan kissing. Trust me I'm not. I'm upset that Kyle didn't tell me about it when it happened and ignored me. Then Bryan hid it from me too. If he was really my best friend he would have told me. This is all bullshit." I say. It feels like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. All that anger finally released. All my emotions were bottled up. It feels good to let them out and tell someone.

"Johnnie, I understand what you're saying. But I know all three of your stories. They don't all add up. What all three of you need to do is sit down and talk." of course he would say what any mom would say. I swear Damon is like my second mom.

"I don't want to talk to them"

"then your problems will never be resolved. Also you're going to have to talk to Bryan eventually considering you two share an apartment. " Damon says. I never thought of that. Shit. I'm screwed.


And with that the conversation ended and we started heading our way back to the bus.

We finally get to the bus. Bryan, Kyle, and Jordan were already on the bus. We walk on and to the back of the bus.

"I'll be right back Johnnie. I think I forgot something outside."

"Ok don't take too long. " and with that he left.

After about 10 minutes I started to get worried and went to see if he was ok. I get to the door and try to open it. That's weird. I jiggle the nob and try to open the door but it doesn't work. I fish my phone out of my pocket and call Damon.

(phone conversation D=Damon J=Johnnie)

D: Hello?

J: I can't get out of the bus the door won't open.

D: Oh yeah... About that...

J: What did you do?

D: I locked you, Kyle, and Bryan on the bus to work your problems out.

J: You did what?!

D: Gotta go. Bye.

J: Damon you-

*Damon hangs up*


Haha without this author's note there is 666 words. Woops.
Well anyway here's a much needed update.

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