Chapter 24

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Sorry I haven't updated. I was going to then stuff happened to where I couldn't. Yeah I know shifty excuse, but whatever. Now carry on.

Kyle's POV:

"It's Jordan..." Johnnie said while avoiding my gaze. I am so confused. What does he mean by 'it's Jordan'. What is Jordan like dead? I'm so confused.

"What do you mean 'it's Jordan'?" I asked cautiously. I don't want to scare him off by being too forceful. I put my hand on his shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. This time he looked in my eyes and I saw the pain and the worry. What is this all about? Why is he so scared?

He quickly looked around and shrugged off my hand. After he finished looking around, he continued. "How do I put this? Uh... Jordan's Homophobic." Johnnie blurted out so fast that I could barely make out what he said.

"Did you say Jordan's homophobic? " I said in disbelief. He slowly nodded his head. "that's impossible. How did you find out? Did you tell him about us?"

"No, I didn't tell him about us." Johnnie said then explained the whole walking out of the bathroom and argument thing. Honestly I can't believe it.

"What are we going to do, Johnnie? Are we going to tell him about us or what?" I asked quickly. I was honestly freaking out. Jordan is my friend, but him being homophobic could potentially end our friendship if he found out I'm gay.

"Kyle, calm down. There are always going to be people who hate on us for who we are and the only difference this time is that Jordan is our friends. We can either embrace who we are and be open to him about it or we could hide it and he would find out eventually anyway. If we are open to him about it, then maybe he won't be as hard on us than if he found out later that we are together and we were hiding it." He said logically. He grabbed both of us a peace tea and we began walking.

"I guess you're right. We should just be open about it. Especially since hiding it would be hard since we all share 1 bus." I said and laced my fingers with his. "Now come on I wanna go back to the bus and drink peace tea."

I practically ran up to the counter with my fingers still laced with him. Johnnie was just laughing. We sat our peace teas up there and I went to pay for mine, but Johnnie insisted on paying for both. We argued playfully about it and Johnnie kissed me to shut me up.

"Aw. You guys are too cute." The cashier said with a smile. Johnnie and I just smiled and blush. Johnnie ended up paying. after he payed we walked onto the bus. Every one was sitting in the back where the bug couch was.

"Jordan can we talk to you for a second." I said timidly. I was scared to do this, but we have to.

Jordan's POV:

"Sure." I said while getting up. I walked over to them and followed them to the table towards the front of the bus. They looked tense. When we sat down, nobody said anything.

"Uh why did you want to speak to me?" I asked. I was really confused. Then I saw they were holding hands. I get it now. They want to talk to me about what's going on between them. I rolled my eyes just at the thought.

"W-we are dating. We aren't asking you to approve. We just want you to treat us normally. " Johnnie said.

"I figured you were." I said honestly. "I just don't get how people can like the same sex. Like I find it disgusting. Even just seeing affection between two people of the same sex makes me disgusted." The last parts were a lie. Yeah I figured they were dating and I don't get how people can like the same sex, but I do not find it disgusting. Actually I have been fighting some feelings of my own. I don't quite understand them. I know I like girls, I always have, but lately I have been seeing guys in a different way. I don't know what it means, but it scares me. that's partially why I have a homophobic attitude.

Kyle and Johnnie gave me a look of shock amwhich turned into a smile. I quickly realized I must have said that out loud and hid my face.

"Your bisexual. Oh this is great. We thought you would hate us, but you've been yanking our chain and keeping you being bisexual or whatever you are a secret like what the hell." Johnnie said a little in anger and a little in disbelief.

"I'm sorry. I really am, but I'm not bisexual. Honestly I don't know what I am. I honestly haven't come to terms what this feeling is. But I'm not homophobic. " I said honestly.

"Then why did you act so homophobic. We did nothing to you. You are such a -"Johnnie said.

"Johnnie, stop. Don't let him control you like this. Please just calm down. I love you, but this is getting out of hand." Kyle said. I barely realized he was there, because he was so quiet. "Now that everyone's calm. Maybe we can talk this out." Kyle said and with that we talked for an hour and I left the table with a better understanding.

Kyle's POV:

Jordan left the table. I think the conversation went well. I was thinking for a little bit, but I was snapped out of my thoughts by Johnnie kissing me and taking my hand in his.

"What was that for?" I asked when he pulled back.

"Nothing, I just couldn't resist." He said with a smile. Then he had a look of contemplation on his face.

"What's wrong Johnnie?" I asked with my voice laced with concern.

" Its nothing, just forget about it." He said then led me to the bunks and we layed down in the bunk we were in earlier.

Johnnie was turned away from me so I wrapped my arms around his waste and pulled him closer to me. He was so warm and I just wanted to have him close to me. He turned around and faced me. He looked at my eyes, then my lips, then back to my eyes. I closed the gap between us and our lips began moving in sync.

"I love you." I said when we pulled away a little.

"I love you too." He said with a smile. We kissed again this time more passionately.

After we pulled away, I wrapped my arms around him. Johnnie layed his head on my chest. This was perfect. Not that long later we fell asleep. It was only 7:00 p.m., but We were exhausted because it was a very eventful day.


I know this is a confusing chapter, but Jordan was homophobic because he was developing feelings for guys and it scared him. Jordan is bi.

Ok so ya. Hope you guys liked it. Sorry for the bad writing. Honestly I'm exhausted right now, but whatever. Love you guys. ♥ I might rewrite this, but whatever.

Vote, Comment, or Whatever.

-Pierce The Sleeping Black Chemicals-

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