Chapter 7: The Video

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Kyles POV:

I run up behind Johnnie and jump on his back causing both of us to fall down. I start geting nervous. "Uh...Sorry Johnnie." I say while pulling my knees to my chest after I get off of him.

It's silent for a second While we just sit on the ground. I can feel his gaze upon me. But I don't want to look up. I don't want to see his emotion in his eyes. But I want to. But I cant. It's like I cant move. So I just sit there with my kneees pulled into my chest and I just cant move or speak. Then after what feels like days, but in reality was only minutes. Johnnie broke the silence. "It's ok, Kyle. I can never be mad at you. Anyways I'm so happy to finally meet you!" He says with a big warm smile that just made my heart melt. He's so absolutely utterly perfect in my eyes, but he will never feel the same towards me. Maybe I should just get over him.

Johnnie's POV:

I wonder if he has watched my newest video yet or if he has seen all of this #Kohnnie bullshit. What if hes straight or even worse homophobic. No he couldn't be homophobic sould he? No.

"Johnnie? You ok?" Kyle and Bryan ask.

"Yeah. Let's just go to the hotel." I say.

"Ok let's go."


Kyle's POV:

We get to the hotel and Vryan book our rooms wrong and now we just have 1 room, 2 beds, 1 couch, and 4 people. Me, Johnnie, Bryan, and Damon. Ugh yay.

We walk in the hotel room and drop our stuff in there. Then Johnnie goes to take a shower and Bryan goes to pick up Damon at the airport. While I get on my phone.

I see Johnnie posted a new video... I wonder what it's about. I click on it and begin watching it. Seems like a normal q&a...WAIT! Did Johnnie just imply that he has feelings for my? No.. it was just for the video. Wasnt it? But his face did turn to a dark shade of crimson. Should I mention it to him? No save you and him from the embarrassment. If he likes you he will tell you. What if hes to shy? Since when is Johnnie shy? Good point hes never shy. But what if hes afraid of rejection? That could be possible. What am I gonna do? Ugh!


I slowly open the bathroom door a crack and see Kyle watching my new video and having what seems like an internal debate. Shit what am I gonna do? Should I just go out and tell him I like him or just pretend I never knew he watched the video? I knew I should have never posted that video. Ugh I'm  such an IDIOT. Why me? Wait did I just see Kyle smile while watching the video? No your just imagining it. Is he getting flustered to? No... at least i don't think so. Don't get your hopes up and remember if he rejusts you... Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly. (Yeah I had to put sleeping with sirens lyrics in here.)


Here's a little short chapter.

I just got really bored and I know this chapter sucks.

But I'm Kind of upset but Kind of happy because like I had

a really good day today and I have a 4 day weekend, but im

Kind of upset too because my fried is moving 6 hours away

for a little over a year or more and Im going to miss her soooooo


Well anyway I will probably post some more chapters this weekend

Because like i said i have a 4 day weekend and ill probably just be

sitting on my butt, watching anime, eating all the food im the houde,

listen to music, and sleep.

So Love y'all!




-~pierce the sleeping black chemicals~-

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