Chapter 6

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-Kyles POV-

"Kyle wake up! Your flight leaves in 2 hours!"

"But I don't wanna." I grumbled.

"Get up or you will miss your flight and wont get to see Johnnie." My mom said. Of course she had to bring Johnnie into this, she never misses a chance to bring him into a conversation.

"Mom!" I whine. "I'm getting up, I'm getting up. Don't have to tell me twice."


I get out of bed and take a shower. After I take a shower and wrap a towel around my waist, I walk to my suit case and find my bring me the horizon shirt, a pair of girl jeans, a black beanie, and my black vans. (I forgot to set out clothes last night so that's why I had to dig through my suit case and find an outfit) After I'm dressed, I walk down stairs with my suit cases and then put them in the car and walk back inside to the kitchen. I got some toast and ate it. Then waited for my mom.

~Skipping the car ride~

"We're here" my mom says.

"Yay! Warped is going to be so fun, but I'm gonna miss you and I'm nervous."

"Why are you nervous?" She said with a look of concern on her face.

"Just Johnnie and Bryan are going to be picking me up and we all are going to be sharing a tour bus. And what if all the youtubers and people that will be there won't except me? What if they find out in gay, bi, or what ever I am and don't like me?" I say and almost have a panic attack.

"Kyle, they will love you. They will except you and if they don't ignore them and tell them to fuck off. And also I will always love you. If they don't like you call me and I'll go all mama bear on them." She said. She always know what to say.

"Thanks mom. That's why I love you." Then we walk until she can't go past and we say our good byes. I'm gonna miss her sooooooo much.

Once my plane gets called and I board it and sit down, I listen to music and eventually fall asleep after the plane takes off.

-Johnnie's POV-

I can't wait for kyle to get here. We've just got to the airport and are waiting for kyle. I am so tired I could just fall asleep, but I'm also to excited to sleep. Ugh the struggle is real. I think I might just get some Starbucks.

"Hey Bryan I'm going to go get some Starbucks. Do you want anything?"

"No, I'm fine." Bryan said while not looking up from his phone. Rude.

"Ok well I'm gonna go get some. If I'm not back by the time kyle gets here call or text me."

"Fine just go Johnnie."

Well someone's in a bad mood. I skip all the way to Starbucks and get some coffee to keep me awake...hopefully.

-Bryan's POV-

Johnnie has been really happy today since he gets to see kyle. He just went to Starbucks. So I'm gonna watch his new video. I finish his video and I can't believe his reaction to the question I sent him. My question was: Do you have feelings for Kyle David Hall? His reaction was priceless. I can't believe he used my question. Wow. It looks like he has feelings for kyle after all. I totally ship it.

I get on my twitter and with out thinking I tweet: I ship @johnnieguilbert and @kyledavidhall #kohnnie. Also watch @johnnieguilbert 's new video! Its so cute at the end!

I tweeted it and then I got to thinking... Holy shit Johnnie's gonna kill me.

Johnnie walks back from Starbucks with an irretated look on his face.

"Bryan! You are such an di-" before Johnnie could finish Kyle ran up to him and jumped on his back causing them both to fall and I couldn't hold back the laughter. This is going to be fun. I will find a way to get them two together. I just need Damon to help. Yes, Damon is on warped tour with us. I'm pretty sure he will help me. I don't think he's homophobic. Well at least I hope not. I'm pretty sure he's not though especially the way he acts around cyr. I am a total #dyr shipper too, but #kohnnie is my main ship. Don't mess with my ships. I ship who I wanna ship. Haha.


There you go a double update.

Hope you guys liked it.

In the next chapter I think I might have kyle watch Johnnie's YouTube video, but idk yet.

Well love y'all.

Vote, comment, or whatever.

-~pierce the sleeping black chemicals~-

It Makes Me Mad, Knowing You're Sad (BoyxBoy Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now