Chapter 48

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I didn't notice until now that I have 122k reads. 122K READS. This is a big deal for me. I never though I'd even get 20 reads and now I have 122k reads. Thank you guys so much for all the support I've been getting on this book. I know it might not be the best book, but thanks. I love you guys. ♡


Johnnie's POV:

I look at the both of them. I can't get away from them we're trapped on the bus. So I do what any other normal teenager would do to shut out the world. I put my headphones in again and turn my music up. Then lay my head back down. I really don't want to deal with them.

I felt the seat dip down next to me and the table shift slightly. Shit. I thought they went back to the back of the bus. I don't look to see which one is next to me until they yank out my headphones.

"Hey what's the big idea?" I begin to yell as I look up only to have my eyes be met by Kyle's. His eyes are a chocolaty brown and easy to get lost in. Which I do until Kyle snaps his fingers in front of my face. "Sorry what did you say?"

"I asked why you are in here looking miserable and mad at the world." Kyle said.

"Damon locked us all on the bus. So we can 'work out our problems' or some shit. Its not gonna work. No if you would please give me my headphones back I would like to continue being miserable and mad at the world while listening to Mayday Parade." I say. Why am I even talking to him? Usually I ignore him and act like he doesn't exist.

"Here's the thing. I'm not going to let you be miserable and pity yourself. Even we aren't on the best of terms at the moment, I want the best for you and sitting here pitying yourself is not the best for you. I think Damon's right." Kyle said as we both watch Bryan rummage through the cabinets to get food.

I sigh and close my eyes. He has me trapped at the table by the wall. I'm stuck and he has my headphones. So I can't ignore them. Well played Kyle. Well played.

I open my eyes again with a look of defeat on my face and he smile. Noe I know why I was ignoring him completely. Its because I can't stay mad at this brown haired, brown eyed guy with a smile that is so bright it could blind you. "Why can't I stay mad at you?" I say under my breath.

"Because I'm amazing and you love me." Kyle says with a laugh.

I blush I didn't think he would hear me. "What exactly do you want Kyle?"

"I just want to talk about everything. Why you were and possibly are still mad at me and I'll try to explain why I did those things. If you'll ever forgive me. Just stuff like that." He says with a hopeful look. Then begins laughing at Bryan as he stacks one food item on top another in his arms and carries it all back to the back of the bus.

"5 minutes and then give me back my headphones." I say with a stern look on my face. "And no funny business."


"I was never really mad at you because of you and Jordan kissing. It was more that that. It was being ignored that made me mad. I hate being ignore. I hate feeling like I did something wrong when I didn't. The reason I've been ignoring you completely is because I want you to feel how I felt. Plus I knew if I didn't take you completely out of my life, then I wouldn't be able to stay mad at you."

"Johnnie, the reason I ignored you was because I didn't want to hurt you. I know I sound stupid. I tried not to hurt you by hurting you. But just hear me out. I thought if I didn't ignore you then the guilt would eat away at me and eventually I would slip up and tell you. Then you would hurt worse than me just ignoring you. I know 'great' logic." He says while looking me in the eye.

All I could manage to say is "Oh." I guess I didn't think about why he did ignore me. "Kyle, I'm sorry. I should have listened to you sooner. I've been acting so childish lately. I don't deserve you."

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have ignored you when I did. So we cool?"

"Yeah we're cool. But theres one thing, no couply stuff unless we are both comfortable with it. Also can you give me my headphones?"

"OK and you don't get your headphones back until you talk to Bryan."

"Fine. The things I do for music."

It Makes Me Mad, Knowing You're Sad (BoyxBoy Kohnnie)Where stories live. Discover now