Chapter 19

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A/N Its like midnight but im awake and I figured why not write more fanfiction. So here's another part.

(shocker) Jordan's POV:

I woke up to find everyone asleep. I look around. Damon and Bryan were cuddled up in the bed left of me. I kicked Damon out of the bed last night so I guess he climbed in Bryan's bed, but why are they cuddling. They probably just got cold. They don't have any blankets so that's probably it. I continue to look around and see Johnnie and Kyle cuddled up. They have all the blankets and pillows. So they shouldn't be cold. They probably are just cuddling because they are on a small couch. Yeah that's probably it. They are still really cute. So I take the oppertunity to take a picture of them cuddled up. Then I took a picture of Bryan and Damon. I could use that one for blackmail if I need to.

After im done with taking pictures of every one cuddling, I walk into the kitchen.

Bryan's POV:

I begin to wake up and try to get up, but I'm pulled back down by someone. I turn my head to see that it's Damon. Why is he in my bed? I try to wake Damon up but all I get is him saying, "just 5 more minutes." Then he would snore softly. Why does he have to be such a heavy sleeper? I guess I'm going to be stuck here until he gets up.

After a little bit, Jordan exits the kitchen and walks over to my bed.

"Help Jordan! I'm stuck." I whisper yelled.

Jordan just laughed and said, "there's no helping you."

I stuck out my toungue. "Can you at least wake up Johnnie and Kyle while I attempt to wake Damon again. We have to get ready. The warped bus comes in about an hour and a half."

"Ok. Have fun trying to wake Damon."

I stick out my toungue again and with that I begin trying to wake Damon again. I try everything from nudging him, smacking his arm, even yelling in his ear. Uet nothing will wake him up. I just decide to pick him up and carry him to the bathroom. He won't let go of me. So I walk in the shower (him still in my arms and both fully clothed). I manage to turn on the shower. I walk under the water and Damon instantly wakes up. I knew that would work.

This part really didn't focus much on kohnnie, but I really didn't know what to write. So this is what you get from me when its midnight.
Goodnight/ Good morning guys.
Hope you have a good day/night.
Love you guys.
Vote, comment, or whatever.
~-Pierce The Sleeping Black CHEMICALS-~ (RaNdOm FaCeS) *-* *~* *.* ^•^ ^°^ ^-^ ^~^ (rAnDoM fAcEs)

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