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-8 years later-

Julie and Luke had dated since she was 15, and he was 17. They loved each other and there was no denying it. But there were many times, where they almost called it quits. The couple was on and off for many reasons. They questioned if they were good enough. Would things work if he was a ghost? How would he age? These things constantly crossed their minds. Until one day

-throwback to 8 years ago-

"But how Luke?" Julie snapped, yelling at Luke.  "I can't be with you. And we just have to face it."


"Save it Luke! You're just making it worse." Julie snapped once more. She turned around so she was no longer facing him, and she felt her face become red, and tears begin to run down her rosy cheeks.

Luke, on the couch, on the opposite direction of the room was shocked. He had never heard Julie this mad. He got up from the couch, and walked slowly over to the crying girl. He was behind her, and she refused to look at him.

"Julie?" He asked, concerned

no response.

He walked up closer and hugged her from behind. She stayed there,

not hugging Luke. After a few seconds, she turned around and hugged him back. As upset as she was, she wasn't made at him.

She hugged him back, as more tears shed from her eyes onto his face. As she began to hug him, she heard a noise. It sounded like crystals. She let go of Luke to see purple sparkles circling him. He also began to glow, just like the night after the orpheum.

"L-Luke?" Julie stuttered, looking at Luke.

He remained silent, looking down at his hands. The purple sparkles, formed into one, and disappeared into the sky.

"What?" Julie asked, still completely confused.

"Julie, I got you a-" Flynn walked in, and her jaw dropped.

"What?" Julie asked quickly wiping away her tears.

"I can see him Jules! I can see your boy toy!" Flynn said, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Are you serious?" Luke asked, becoming excited. "W-what am I doing right now?" He put up two thumbs.

"Your thumbs are up!" Flynn said jumping up and down. "Julie this is amazing!"

Ever since then, they've been inseparable. 8 years had passed, and Juke had been going strong. Flynn and Reggie started dating, and so did Alex and Willie. The 3 loved hanging out together, and going out on dates.

They loved their relationship, but Luke wanted more. He wanted to prove to Julie, that he loved her more than anything.

The 3 couples were in the garage, just talking and hanging out.

"Jules?" Ray called into the garage. "Can you come help me with something?"

"Sure." Julie got up, and followed her dad inside.

Luke watched as she left, then suddenly asked,

"Guys, if you were to propose to someone, how would you do it?" Luke asked, he tried to play it off, trying not to make it obvious he was talking about Julie.

"It depends on the person? Who were you thinking about?" Flynn asked, knowing who he was talking about.

"Flynn, it's clearly Julie." Reggie said. She sighed before responding.

"Thanks Reg." Flynn said sarcastically. "You seriously wanna propose to her?" Flynn asked excitedly.

Luke giggled, knowing the answer was obvious.

"Yeah. I really do. What do I do? Where do I start?" Luke asked.

"I know exactly what to do. She has a whole pintrest board about her dream proposal." Flynn said pulling out her phone.

"What?" Julie asked, walking back in.

"Nothing! We were just ordering food!" Flynn says quickly.

"Okay..." Julie said skeptically

sorry for the short first chapter here! this is kind of a one shot, but kind of not lol.i hope you guys will enjoy my new story called forever! i will finish WLCBF first, then will continue this one. expect major juke coming your way mauhaha


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