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Julie walked outside the door, on got on the phone with the local bakery. She orders the color of the cake, and walked back into the room, and Flynn was ready to go.

"Well you seem happy!" Flynn exclaimed.

"Very!" Julie said quickly, in excitement.

"Ugh." Flynn said, laying back in her seat. "I have to pee again."

Julie laughed at her friend's random remark.

"This is not fun. You should get pregnant too, I don't want to do this by myself."

"Noooo." Julie said, laughing slightly

"Why not? I thought you guys wanted one."

"We do! Just not right now." Julie said.

"Well when is the right time? Because this child needs a friend." Flynn said motioning at her stomach

"Not any time soon." Julie laughed

"Fine. When my child is lonely, it'll be your fault."

"Sure." Julie laughed

Flynn groaned at her remark, then began to laugh along.

They pulled up to their house. They agreed that Luke would go with Julie to pick up decorations and cake. They were all aware of how Impatient Flynn was, and they couldn't risk her peeking.

Flynn walked inside, and was greeted at the door by Reggie and Luke. Luke said his goodbyes and got in the car with Julie.

"Good morning." He placed a soft kiss on her lips as he put on his seatbelt.

"Good morning to you too." Julie smiled

"So you know the gender?" Luke asked

Julie leaned over and whispered it into her ear.

"Aww, they're gonna freak!" Luke said.

"Well let's go?" Julie asked.

He nodded, and Julie turned on the car and began to drive. Within a few minutes, they pulled up to the bakery. Julie looked around for parking spots nearby the bakery, but they were all filled.

"The only free spot is down the street." Julie groaned in frustration.

"We'll be quick." Luke said

Julie drove down the street, and parked the car. The two got out and began to walk. Luke reached for Julie's hand, and they walked down the sidewalk together. As they were walking Julie noticed a flash in the corner of her eye. She looked over to see paparazzi, in the bushes. They hated paparazzi, especially trying to get information on their personal lives. The 2 never confirmed they were dating after all these years, and let the media come to the conclusion they were.

"Luke..Luke." Julie said, slightly raising her voice, but trying to keep her calm. "They're right there."

"Hey Luke and Julie!" The paparazzi said, walking besides them.

"Hi." Julie said, trying to be polite.

"So, Julie, are you guys getting married?" The paparazzi asked.

Julie and Luke remained silence. After all it was their business. Julie tried to hide her hand, but it was no use. The media would find out anyways.

"Have a good day." Julie said, walking into the bakery with Luke, ignoring the previous question they had been asked.

"Hi, we're here to pick up a cake?" Julie said to the front desk woman at the bakery. Julie looked out the corner of her eye, to see the paparazzi were still waiting outside.

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