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you guys wanted another chapter today...and i deliever;)

"What's happening?" Luke asked

"I don't know, Flynn just...blacked out. She said she has a really bad headache." Reggie said, stroming her hair.

"Well are you ok-"

"Hey, wh-...Flynn?" Julie said as she walked in.

"She's not feeling well." Alex answered.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you can go lie down in my bed if you want to." Julie said concerned.

Slowly, Flynn got up, and made her way into the house. On her way, she whispered something into Julie's ear. None of the guys were able to hear, leaving them all confused.

"Seriously?" Julie asked

Flynn nodded


Flynn made her way inside, then Julie announced

"I gotta go to the store. Again. I forgot something."

"I'll go with you-"

"No. I should go by myself it'll be quick." She grabbed her keys and left

"What just happened?" Reggie asked confused

——-1 hour later——-

Julie walked back into the garage, with one bag in her hand.

"Hey Jules w-" Julie stormed into the house, before Luke could finish.

Luke followed her inside, and saw Julie hand Flynn little box. She did it so quick, he couldn't even tell what it was. Flynn shut the door, and went back inside.

"Julie?" Luke called.

"Ah! Hi Luke." Julie jumped

"What happened, is she okay?" Luke asked.

"No, no she's fine. She just needed something from the store." Julie said.

"What was it?" He asked

Julie didn't want to tell him. She just gave him a seriously glare, waiting for him to understand. After a few minutes of silence, he finally connected the dots.

"Ohhhh." He said.

"Yeah." Julie said. "I'm just gonna wait for her."

"Okay." Luke said walking away.

"Oh! And don't tell the guys yet." Julie said

"I won't." He said reassuringly

She smiled as he walked away. She sat outside her door, waiting for Flynn.

"Julie?" Flynn opened the door and called.

Julie got up, and walked inside the room


Luke walked back into the garage, where the two guys had been waiting.

"Hey!" Reggie called. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, their fi-"

"Reggie?" Julie called. "Flynn wants to see you."

Reggie got off the couch, and went inside.

"I hate not knowing whats happening." Alex pouted, crossing his arms.

"You seriously can't tell whats happening?" Julie asked

Alex went silent for a moment, deep in his thoughts.

"Ohhh...OHHH!" Alex said, slightly shocked.

"Yeahhhhhhh." Julie replied.

"Well is she?" Alex asked

"I guess we'll never know." Julie shrugged.

Luke shoved her shoulder and rolled his eyes.

Soon, Reggie and Flynn walked in and Flynn's hands behind her back.

"Okay, so I doubt this is a suprise, I'm sure Julie already told you."

"Actually, no. She didn't." Luke said.

"Oh well..."

"We're pregnant!" They said in -perfect harmony-

"Congrats guys!" Alex yelled, walking over to Reggie pulling him into a hug.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Julie said, excited. "I'm gonna be an aunt!" She pulled Flynn into hug.

"Here's to Reglynn!" Luke yelled, starting a group hug.

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