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question fo the day: what's your dream pet?

-time skip to 2 days later-

The two woke up the next morning, Luke's hand around her stomach, and Julie's hands on top of his. Luke got up slowly, and looked at the clock that read 11 AM. This is the longest they've ever slept in.

Luke got out of bed, causing Julie to wake up too.

"Hey, go back to bed." He said, brushing the hair out her eyes lightly with his finger.

"No it's okay, I'm not tired anymore." Julie sat up, and smiled at Luke. "This is crazy Luke! We're having a baby."

"I know." He smiled looking down at her. "We should head downstairs. I'm sure their already wondering where we are." Luke laughed.

They got of bed and changed, and made their way downstairs.

"Well there you two are!" Flynn said, holding Lucas on her hip.

"Good morning to you too Flynn." Julie laughed.

"Oo, Jules we left you some coffee." Alex said pushing her to kettle of coffee.

"Thanks but I'm good." She refused.

"Julie, since when do you not drink coffee?" Reggie timed in.

"I just shouldn't have it right now." She said, faking a smile, to make her frustration.

"Why?" Flynn asked

"There's no reason, I'm trying to stay coffee free for a while. That's all." Julie lied.

"Okay.." Alex said skeptically taking a cup of coffee

"Alright, Well the guys and I are gonna go shopping, do you guys wanna come?" Flynn asked

"I'm actually gonna sit this one out, I've been kinda tired lately." Julie said. Luke nodded in agreement

"Okay..." Flynn said. Julie and Luke made their way upstairs, and into their room. Julie sat down on the bed, on her phone, and Luke next to her. Right as they heard the front door open, Julie and Luke looked up to see Flynn in their doorway.

"Hi, can I talk to Julie? Alone?" She requested. Luke and Julie looked at each other, before he got up and left the room.

Flynn closed the door, and looked directly at Julie.

"You're pregnant." She said.

Playing dumb, Julie looked behind her.

"What are you looking for?" Flynn said

"I'm trying to find who you're talking to." Julie laughed.

"You're pregnant, and I know it." She said again.

"How?" Julie asked

"Well for starters, the coffee thing. You're Julie. You wouldn't pass up coffee for the world."

"Maybe I'm trying to stay healthier." Julie said, slightly laughing.

"Another thing is how sick you were the other day. It might be morning sickness." Flynn suggested.

"I probably just caught a cold or something on the honeymoon." Julie said

"That lasts for 6 months?" Flynn asked skeptically

Julie tilted her head in agreement.

"Another big thing, is the fact that my bathroom cabinets were open?" She said

"How do you know it wasn't Lucas?" Julie asked

"Why would Lucas take 2 pregnancy tests?" Flynn asked in response.

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