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"That's right, I should probably call them before I head to bed. Flynn, how about we bunk in my room? You're like the planning queen." Julie said

"I'm honored." Flynn said, chuckling

The guys laughed and went into the garage, and the girls made their ways upstairs.

Julie reached for her phone, and called her Tìa Victoria. After a few seconds of ringing, Tía appeared on the screen.

"Hola!" Julie said excitedly "I have news."

"Is it good or bad?" Victoria asked,  worry growing on her face.

"Good don't worry." She pulled out her hand. "I'm getting married!"

Victoria gasped before speaking. "To who?"

"Luke!" Julie said, laughing

"Oh thank god! It's muy bonita. Congratulations Julie."

"Gracias Tía." Julie hung up the phone and called Carlos. He didn't have much of a reaction, mostly because he was in shock the entire time. Julie laughed after she got off the phone, and turned to Flynn.

"Okay unofficial wedding planner, where do we begin?" Julie asked. She knew Flynn was perfect to have help. She's done this before. She planned almost her entire wedding by herself.

"Well, first, we should just jot down everything we need to plan. Like a checklist, just to make it easier for you." Flynn said

"Okay, so walk me through it. What's on the checklist?" Julie asked

"Well, we need a guest list, a theme, venue, decorations-"

"Okay, well-"

"Dress, dress type, bridesmaids, your maid of honor, cake, vows, music-"

"Well maybe we coul-" Julie started again, gradually becoming frustrated

"Oh! How could I forget! Before all of that, we need a budg-"


Flynn was cut off by a loud scream coming from downstairs. Flynn and Julie looked at each other, and ran downstairs.

They see the guys in the kitchen, holding up Luke's phone.

"What is going on?" Julie asked

"We got it Jules!" Luke exclaimed

"G-got what?" Julie asked

"The house Jules!" Alex chimed in

"What? How?" Flynn asked.

"We got paid for our Meet & Greet last week!" Reggie said jumping up and down in excitement

"And we finally have enough to pay it off!" Luke added again.

"Oh my god...Oh my god! How long until we can move in?" Julie asked

"Only a few weeks." Luke smiled

"Congrats! Can I see the house?" Ray asked

Luke handed him his phone, and Ray was in awe of the house.

(dw you guys will get to see it soon ;)

"This is beautiful guys. I want to move in!" Ray joked

"Well lucky for you, there's a guest bedroom, and you're always welcome." Julie smiled at her dad.

ooooo oop

"This is crazy! We have to start packing tomorrow." oJulie smiled. "This is has been a great day. Thank you guys." Julie pulled everyone in for a group hug

sorry for the short chapter, but you guys are gonna loveeeee the next one:)

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