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Later that night, Julie and Luke fell asleep, in their bed, in the guest bedroom, along with Alex, Reggie and Flynn. They all had been bunking in guest room, because they were saving up fr a house together

Luke looked up at his clock, and it read 8:07. He had to go pick uo the ring at 8:30. Carefully, so he wouldn't wake up Julie. He rsn into the bathroom, and got changed. On his way out, he saw Julie sitting up on their bed.

"Luke. Where are you going." She said firmly. It almist wasn't even a sentence.

"You'll see tommorow." He kissed the top of her head then left.

"Luke but-," He walked out before he could finish. Since it was still early, and everyone was asleep, Julie decided to go get water. She walked into the kitchen

She walked into the kitchen to see Flynn, sitting at the counter, doing absolutely nothing.

"Flynn? What's happening. You're never up this early." Julie asked.

"Nothing." She bit her lip.

"Nope, somethings wrong." She sat on the chair across from her. "What's wrong Flynn." Julie asked Flynn.

"I'm just stressed. I'm having a child Jules! Do you understand how big that is? Shopping, name decidng, planning, it's a whole process! Am i even ready?"

"Flynn. Of course you are. You're gonna be an amzing mother. In fact, I want you to adopt me." Julie laughed. "And you aren't in this alone. We're all here for you. Plus, that's why you have 9 months." She laughed a little bit more.

"Thank you Jules." Flynn laughed. "Why are you up so early?"

"Luke. He got up, and went somewhere. He's been acting so weird lately...You dont think-"

"Jules don't even say that. You know Luke loves you. He would never do that. And you know it too. You're just paranoid." Flynn laughed

"Thanks I guess." Julie laughed with Flynn

"Well tommorow is you guys' anniversary. What are you doing?"

"Nothing much. Just staying lowkey. Its only 8 years."

"Just 8 years? Do you realize how long that is?" Flynn asked.

"We don't have anything planned. We're just happy that's all." Julie reassured.

"Okay..." Flynn said skeptically.

"Random question. Do you want a boy or a girl?" Julie asked, changing the subject.

"I'd be happy with either one." Julie shot her a "really" glare, knowing that she wanted one. "I'm serious! It shouldn't matter anyway."

"Thats sweet. You got any name ideas?" Julie asked

"Not at all." Flynn laughed.

"Well I'm sure it'll come to you." Julie reassured.


Luke walked into the ring store, to see a box with his name on it, in the display.

He saw Madison at the front desk, who wss on the phone with another client.

"Hi Madison, I'm here to pick up the ring?" Luke said.

"Oh yes." She replied to Lke, then began speaking to the phone. "Can you hold for one second Ma'am?...Thank you." She put the phone down, opened the display, and handed Luke his ring, in a bag.

"Thank you." Luke said.

"Of course. I'm sure she'll love it."

Luke smiled at her as he left, with the bag in his hand.

He left the store. He got in his car, and drove to the nearest store, to pick up decorations for the proposal. After an hour of looking, he finally found everything he needed. He picked out flowers, fairy lights, fake leaves, everything to make it as beautiful as possible.

He pulled out his phone, and called Flynn.

Flynn saw her phone ring, as she was still in the kitchen with Julie.

"Hello?" Flynn answered.

"Yeah, Flynn. Can you do me favor?" Luke asked

"What is it?" She asked.

"Keep Julie out of the garage please." Luke begged.

"No problem!" Flynn hung up, and put her phone down on the counter.

"Who was that?" Julie asked.

"Nobody, can you do me a favor?" Flynn asked

"Sure.." Julie said suspiciously

"Don't go into the garage." Flynn said

Yeah...Flynn isn't good with plans

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