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question of the day is, where would you go for your honeymoon?

The wedding ceremony ended after Julie and Luke walked off, and now it was time for the reception. They took photos while they waited for last minute setups, and when they were told they could go in, they did.

"Let's welcome...Mr. and Mrs.Patterson!" Flynn welcomed as they walked in. First, they were to have dinner. Flynn, got almost everything item of food you could imagine. There was something for everyone, and surprisingly not a whole lot of leftovers.

Then the toasts. Flynn, Reggie and Alex, had all written toasts to perform in front of everyone.

"First, the maid of honor!" Julie intruduced

Flynn walked up, and started to read her speech. "Hi, I'm Flynn, and I'm the maid of honor. Julie is my best friend, and we have been since elementary school. Even to this day we do everything together, and I'm so grateful she stuck by my side. But I'm not shocked. That's who Julie is. She stay by your side just to make sure your okay, and really genuinely cares about everyone. Even if you were just a teensy bit off, she would do everything in her power to make you feel okay. Now the relationship. When Julie first told me about Luke, I thought she was insane." The audience was absolutely silent, except for Julie, Luke, Reggie, Alex, and Willie trying not to laugh. "It's an inside joke. When I met them, I didn't get to see them for to long, but I did. Julie started introducing me to songs the two wrote together, and I was like "My girl's got a crush, and his name is Luke" She tried to deny it, but it was obvious. Eventually they got together a few years later. I think I started thinking he was the one for her, a few months ago actually. When he was planning his proposal. He turned to me for help, and put so much thought and time into it. It was unbelievable." The crowd laughed and awed. "Now memories. My favorite memory of Julie-," Flynn was cut off by her own laughing. "We-,"

"Aht Aht, gimme the mic." Julie got up took the mic  from Flynn, unsure of what she would say. She tried to hold back a laugh but couldn't. Everyone else was also laughing, even though they had no idea what Flynn was gonna say.

"But Congrats!" Flynn yelled as she walked back to her seat. The audience clapped, Ans Julie spoke into the microphone.

"Next, The best men!" Julie said. Alex and Reggie walked up to the stage, and began to speak

"Hi, I'm Alex, and this is Reggie, and we're the best men. We've known Luke for our entire lives, and he's always been there for us, no matter what. And it's not just us. He cares about each and every one of you individually, whether he tried to show it or not, and that's what's great about him. Now our take on the relationship. Whether Luke wants to admit it or not, he liked Julie the moment he saw her. I think we noticed that he really fell in love with her, was when we performed Finally Free for the first time. When they shared the mic, Me and Reggie's Juke heart couldn't handle it. He tried to deny it, but he knew deep down it was true. And once they got the ability to touch? Oh my god, every 5 seconds they were hugging. And they claimed they were "Cherishing it while it lasted", Alex said putting up quotation marks with his fingers. Reggie then continued the rest of the speech. "We knew Julie was the one, was the way he changed when she was around. Luke had always been so anxious and crazy, but Julie really calmed him down. She also made him happier. Now memories, my favorite memory is when we played music on the beach and no one could hear us." Alex facepalmed, while Julie and Luke laughed. "Our favorite memory with Julie has to be, meeting. We had a pretty interesting introduction." Alex laughed, and Reggie pulled the speech to a conclusion. "But in all seriousness, Congrats to you both." Reggie and Alex clapped. They walked off stage, and now it was Flynn's turn to announce what's next.

"Please welcome, Luke and Julie Patterson to the floor, for their first dance!" Flynn said.

Reggie and Alex ran to their instruments, and began to play perfect harmony, as the couple began to dance.

(credits to sara 🙄)

As the song went on, Luke whispered into Julie's ear.

"You look really pretty."

"Thank you." Julie laughed.

Perfect harmony continued to play, and the couple danced softly, to their wedding song.

"I'm glad we chose this." Julie said, light tears flowing down her face

"Was there a better option?" Luke joked. He placed his hands on her cheeks, and used his thumbs to wipe away her tears. She smiled.

The song came to an end, and Julie and Luke bowed jokingly and walked back to her seat.

"Now time for the bouquet toss!" Flynn yelled.

Julie grabbed her bouquet, and all the girls stood behind her.

"3, 2, 1!" Julie threw the bouquet, and to everyone's surprise..

"Dahlia?" Everyone said

Dahlia had caught the bouquet in her mouth. She loved playing fetch, she probably just saw it as a toy.

"Looks like Dahlia's getting married next!" Julie said, running over to pet Dahlia.

Then the time everyone was most excited for.


Julie and Luke had handpicked Wedding Cakes a few months ago.

Julie and Luke walked over to the cake, did the hand swap thing

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Julie and Luke walked over to the cake, did the hand swap thing.


And the two ate the cake, and the rest of the guests also got pieces. After the guests finished eating, they went back to the dance floor, and continued to dance with the newly wedded couple. Reggie and Alex stayed behind, eating their cake, at their table when something came to Alex's mind.

"Wait, since when are you an officiant?" He asked

"I took an online course last year." Reggie said, before taking another bite of cake, he offered some to Lucas, who was in his lap, but he didn't want it.

"But- okay." Alex muttered, continuing to eat his cake, not in the mood to deal with his shenanigans.

The night started coming to a close, and guests started to pack up and leave.

"Bye!" Julie said, as the last guest left.

She made her way back over to the tables with the rest of the group. She sat down in the chair, and sighed.

"My god." She said. She sat in the chair next to Luke, and lay her head on his shoulder. He placed a kiss on her forehead before speaking again.

"Why don't you guys get dressed, the guys and I will pack up the car." Luke offered. Julie smiled and nodded. She and Flynn got up, Flynn took Lucas from Reggie, and they both made their way back into their hotel room to get changed.

"So, here's the honeymoon?" Willie asked, packing up boxes.

"Well, Julie doesn't know because she wanted to be surprised, but, we're going on a cruise, to Mexico." Luke said.

"Oooo, when?" Reggie asked, putting the box in the car.

"3 days. That way we have time to pack, open presents, and do whatever." Luke said. The boys finished up putting the boxes in the car, and Alex went to the girls room to let them know it was time.

Julie was almost done getting ready when she heard a knock at her door.

"You guys ready?" Alex asked from the outside
of the door.

"Yep." Julie opened the door, and they made their way to the car

hope you liked it!

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