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question of the day: do you drink coffee? and if so what kind?

Now with Flynn in a hoodie, and Julie in the beanie, they made their way into the coffee shop. Right as they thought they safely walked in, paparazzi saw the two enter. They waited outside the door for the girls to come out.

"Jules." Flynn called "They're right there."

"I know just..ignore them." Julie said. Flynn nodded, and the two ordered their coffees. After their orders had been complete, the two had to do the thing they dreaded most.

go outside.

Quickly, the girls walk outside, as the paparazzi walk beside them, asking questions

"Hey girls!" The paparazzi said

"Hi." They said together

"Can we ask you guys a few questions?" He asked

Julie opened her mouth to say no, but then she thought. She thought about what Luke had said a few months ago.

They're just doing their job

"Sure." Julie stopped, an Flynn copying her.

"Oh." The reporter seemed shocked. "Well first question is for Flynn, are you pregnant?"

"No, not anymore."

"Oh! So you already have a kid! What's his name? Or her." He asked

"I'll keep you updated." Flynn responded. She wasn't ready to give out those details yet. For now, she'll keep it to herself.

"Alright, alright. Now Julie, are you and Luke getting married?" He asked

"I mean I guess everyone knows already so.." She shrugged. She didn't necessarily want to answer, but she was pretty sure the world knew already. The paparazzi didn't have to ask about Flynn's relationship status, she had already confirmed it. Julie on the other hand, still wasn't quite ready.

"Okay, okay well thanks ladies. Congrats to you both. Have a good one." The paparazzi said before walking away

"You too." Flynn said as he walked. She waited until he walked away to speak to Julie again. "What's with the switch up, Mrs. I don't want to be seen by the paparazzi?"

"They're just doing their job. Let them be i guess." Julie started walking again and Flynn followed.

The two got into the car, and Julie announced.

"Alright, cheers to your first cup of coffee in 9 months!" Julie said raising her cup.

Flynn cheered also, before taking a sip. She placed a kiss on the paper cup, before speaking

"Oh coffee, how I miss you."

Julie gave her a weird glare, before laughing, and pulling out the driveway.

"So, you've been sleeping okay?" Julie asked

"Yeah, actually. He doesn't cry a whole lot. He's a pretty chill baby."

"That's good. Are you happy?" Julie asked

"Yeah, I've actually been really happy, just tired. I hate to admit it, but you right, it was worth it." Flynn smiled at the thought of Lucas

"What can I say? I'm always right." Julie joked

"Just this one time." Flynn laughed

"Are you guys done with planning?" Flynn asked

"Yep. Just gotta wait till February 2th." Julie said. Flynn looked over, and noticed that her eyes with visibly sparkling.

"Your eyes just lit up." Flynn laughed

"I can't help it! I'm excited..nervous..but excited." Julie said

"Why are you nervous?" Flynn asked

"Oh come on, don't tell me you weren't nervous before marrying Reggie." Julie said, raising an eyebrow

"Yeah, for like 5 seconds." Flynn laughed.

"I just what if he has second thoughts, what if he-"

"Julie your delusional." Flynn said before laughing. "Why would he have second thoughts?

Julie paused before speaking again "I don't know Flynn."

"Well if you don't know, then is it really a valid point to panic?" Flynn asked

(quote creds to me 😤☝️)

Julie stayed silent and thought about it. Flynn was right. Was there really a reason to panic?

Julie sighed before speaking again. "Yeah, I think you're right."

"You know I'm right." Flynn corrected

Julie rolled her eyes, and laughed, now returning her focus to the road.

this is a short chapter, BUT it's because the ~wedding chapter~ is in the works! i should have it up soon, but here's this in the mean time! tell your friends ;)
-the better author of this account, jayla:)

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