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question of the day: what's your dream wedding?

February 1, 2029. 8:46 PM

It was the night before the wedding. The day Julie had dreamed of for years. So many thoughts, and emotions were running through her head. It was still surreal to her that tomorrow, she would go from Julie Molina, to

Julie Patterson.

Following tradition, Julie and Luke were to avoid each other, until the wedding ceremony. Voluntarily, Luke would sleep on the couch downstairs, and Julie would stay in their bed. Julie lie on her bed, checking her phone, and looking at the clock every 5 seconds, to see if time would magically change to the next day.

Julie suddenly heard a knock at the door.

"It's Flynn." Flynn said outside the door.

"Come in." Julie said, putting down her phone, and sitting up on her bed.

Flynn came in, and looked at Julie. "Why are you still awake? We have to be up early tomorrow."

"Not that early." Julie scoffed

"We have to be up by 6." Flynn said raising an eyebrow.

Julie fell back on her bed and groaned. "Why so early?." She pouted

"We have to wake up at 6, then leave for the venue, which is about an hour away, then Kayla and Carrie, and the hair and makeup team should already be there, then they start with your hair and makeup, then they start with Carrie, Kayla's and mine, and we should finish that around 9 ish, then we get about an hour or so to walk around the venue and make sure everything is okay and ready, then we get your dress on, and then it's go time." Flynn said

"Jeez." Julie said "You know a lot about weddings."

"What can I say, I've done it a few times." Flynn said

Julie, have Flynn a concerned look, making sure she heard correctly.

"I'm kidding." Flynn laughed.

Julie sighed in relief as Flynn pulled her into a hug.

"Go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow." Flynn said, leaving her room, closing the door as she shut. She pulled out her phone one last time, and set an always for 5:45. She got up, shut off the lights, and went to sleep.

February 2, 2029, 5:45 AM

The sencha alarm clock sound went off, bright and early at 5:45 AM on February 2 2029. Before Julie even got the chance to shut off her alarm, Flynn came barging in.

"Hello Bride!" Flynn yelled, she was only poking her head out the door, so you couldn't see her body.

"Shh." Julie said sleepily. "Your gonna wake up Lucas."

Flynn poked the rest of her body out the door, to see Lucas on her hip.

"He's already awake." Flynn smiled.

Julie laughed, before waving at Lucas.

"We'll get up! We've got a wedding to get to!" Flynn said. She closed as she left.

Julie shot up out of bed, and ran to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, and got into the shower. After her shower, she got dressed in an old tee shirt and sweatpants, and combed her hair into a low ponytail. She looked at her phone, which read 6:05. She ran downstairs, just to see Flynn preparing a bottle for Lucas. She looked around for the guys, and couldn't seem to see them.

"The guys left already?" She asked

"Yep, they didn't want to see you yet." Flynn laughed.

Julie turned around to see Lucas at his play-mat. Of course, he wasn't doing anything but just laying there, he was too young anyway. Julie ran up to him, and picked him up in her arms. She began to tickle and play with him, as he smiled.

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