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"Really?" Ray asked tears rolling down his cheeks in excitement.

"Yes, it's perfect." Julie smiled.

Julie ran upstairs and packed up the dress, ready to take it home. She grabbed her box which she came for, and left the house. She got in the car with Flynn, where she placed the box with the dress in her lap as she drove, but wanting to let go of it.

"Luke's gonna freak!" Flynn exclaimed

"You think so?" Julie asked.

"Julie, that boy is gonna be in tears." Flynn reassured. "If he knows how much this dress means to you, he's gonna love it even more. Plus who wouldn't love it? It's stunning." Flynn laughed

"Thanks." Julie said dryly. Flynn could sense something was wrong.

"You seem a little on edge. What's up?" She asked.

"Just stressed. I know it's only been 3 months, and I still have 6 months, but there is so much left to do." Julie said, not looking at Flynn, driving safely, keeping her eyes on the road.

"That's why I'm here." Flynn reassured. "If it helps, we can figure out some things tonight."

"Thank you Flynn." Julie smiled, as she pulled into their driveway.

The 2 made their way inside, to see all the boys on the couch, talking about who knows what. Luke turned as he heard the front door open, to see Julie with boxes in her hand.

"Heyyyyy." Luke said running over to Julie. "What's in-"

"Ah, Ah, Ah." Julie stopped him, turning away. "You can't see this, it's my dress."

"So?" Luke asked concerned

"It's bad luck for the groom to see the dress before the wedding." Julie said. "So you just have to wait another 6 months." She said, patting his head. Luke pouted then laughed as she walked into the kitchen, placing the boxes on the counter, walking behind her.

"So you already got to take it home?" He asked

"No actually. In the shop, I couldn't find anything. Then Dad showed me this one. It used to be my mom's...So now I get to wear it." Julie said, pointing at the box.

Luke rubbed her shoulder as he noticed her face started to grow red.

"That's amazing Jules. I'm sure she would be so happy for you." He pulled her into a hug, and she gave in, slightly crying into his shoulder. She pulled back at patted his tear stained shirt.

"Sorry I got your shirt wet..again." Julie sniffled.

"Anytime." He said to Julie reassuringly.

Julie smiled at his sparkling eyes, before starting again.

"Well, If you'll excuse me, Me and Flynn have some planning to do." She smiled as Luke, as she began to head towards the stairs. Midway into her walk, she came back down, taking the box with dress from the counter.

"I don't trust you around it." She joked.

She made her way into Flynn's room, placing the box on the floor, to see Flynn laying back on her bed.

"I'm so tired." She announced

"Why?" Julie laughed "We didn't do anything today."

"Wedding dress shopping for your best friend is more tiring then it looks." Flynn said, propping herald up on her elbows.

"Sure. Alright Wedding Planner. What's next on our checklist?" Julie asked.

"Bridesmaids, Maid of Honors, and Best Men." Flynn read from her notepad.

"Oh, well I already choose my Maid of Honor."

Flynn's faced dropped, she tried to hide it by looking down at her notepad.

"Oh, well who is it?" She asked

"She's in the room with me."

Flynn looked around behind her, not understanding what Julie meant.

"You, silly!" Julie laughed

Flynn was still completed confused as to what she meant.

Julie sighed, and got up from the bed. In front of Flynn, she kneeled down, and asked.

"Flynn Bailey Peters. Will you do me the honor, and be my Maid of Honor?" Julie asked?

"Yes!" Flynn said excitedly

Julie laughed at sat back down on her bed.

"Now that that's done, we need bridesmaids. Anyone in mind?" Flynn asked.

"Actually, I was thinking about Carrie-"

"Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait. Carrie? As in, Carrie Carrie? The girl who bullied you in sophomore year Carrie?" Flynn asked, making sure she had heard correctly.

"Yes Flynn." Julie laughed. "It was just a phase. We still talk every once in a while, it seems petty not to invite her because of one bad year." Julie said

"Wow." Flynn said. "They grow up so fast." Flynn said again fake crying.

Julie laughed and shoved her shoulder before Flynn started again.

"Okay, anyone else?" Flynn asked


"Ah, the girl who started the hologram rumor. Touching story." Flynn wrote down

Julie laughed again, as Flynn wrote down names

"Anyone else?"

Julie thought for a moment.

"I don't think I have anymore friends." Julie chuckled.

"That's fine!" Flynn laughed along. "There are 3 girls, Your two bridesmaids and your maid of honor, 4 guys, The best man, and the groomsmen." It's almost even so it doesn't matter too much."

"Oh, that's right." Julie remembered. "I wonder how Luke's gonna pick who's gonna be his best man."

"That's gonna be hard. You could just do what I did! Pick both. There's no rule against it." Flynn said. Julie nodded. "Well time to ask your bridesmaids!" Flynn clapped.

Julie pulled out her phone and dialed in Carrie's number. After a second of ringing, Carrie picked up.

[phone call]

"Hi Jules!"

"Hi Carrie! I have a question for you."

"Sure, ask away."

"Well I already told you, me and Luke are getting married, and I wanted to ask you to be my bridesmaid?"

"Yes!" Carrie said excitedly, jumping up and down

After a few more minutes of taking and celebrating, the 2 hung up, and called Kayla. She had a similar reaction, but obviously said yes.

"Now that that's done, Luke has to ask Willie, Alex, and Reggie. And do you have your guest list?" Flynn asked.

"I'm almost done, but this is what I have so far." Julie pulled out her phone, and Flynn scrolled through, looking at everyone.

"This is great Jules!" Flynn exclaimed. "I think we're done for now, but next week you're going cake testing."

"Thank you Flynn." Julie pulls Flynn into a hug. "Let's go meet the guys downstairs?" Flynn nodded.

The guys were on the couch, scrolling through TV channels.

"Do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Alex asked

thank you guys again FOR


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love ya

-jayla <3

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