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Today was the day.

Luke was so excited that he got up at 8, and proceeded to wake Alex up.

"Alex? You remember the plan right?"

"Yes, yes. We've been over it a thousand times.Now go get dressed, she'll be up soon." Alex said, getting out of bed.

Luke ran into the garage, and put on his sleeves suit, and ran back into the garage, to give Alex his cue. He gave her thumbs up, and ran back into the garage.

Alex ran over to Julie's bed, and yelled,


"Ah! Hi Alex!" Julie jumped, still half asleep. She looked around, and noticed no one else was in the room but her and Alex "Where is everyone?"She asked

Without saying anything, he handed her a note, that had been purple, decorated with a white heart inside and that was written by Luke. It said,

Hi beautiful,

Happy 8 year anniversary, go check the place where there's a box, I'm not supposed to see

-xoxo Luke

Julie smiled at the note, then stuck it in her pocket. She knew exactly what he meant.

She ran up to her room to see her Flynn at her dream box, holding another note, and a new dress.

"Put on the dress, then come read the note." Flynn smiled at Julie, and handed her the note. She ran into the bathroom, and put on the dress, it was absolutely beautiful

(here's the dress)

She put on the dress, and admired her self in the mirror

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She put on the dress, and admired her self in the mirror. Maybe Luke does have good taste.

She ran back out of the bathroom and to Flynn, where she handed her the note, and it read,

Hi pretty girl, this ones hard

I'll just give it to you, go to the front yard!

-xoxo again Luke

She smiled at Flynn, and went into the front yard, where she saw Reggie, holding another note

Wow, here's the last clue...

Go to the place, where I first met you.

The garage. She didn't even have to think about it. She ran into the garage, and saw Luke there in his sleeveless suit, and the fancy decorated garage.

"Well don't you look sharp." Julie chuckled

"Very funny. May I have this dance?" Luke asked, reaching out for her hand.

"You may." She smiled, and gave Luke her hand. They began to dance to the song in the background, when Julie noticed it

"Luke, is this perfect harmony?" She asked.

"Of course." He smiled.

"You remembered?" She asked, happily

"Of course, it's my favorite song." He laughed

"Because it's about you?" She asked sarcastically.

"No...because you wrote it." He said back, in a serious, yet jokingly tone. She smiled as the two continued to dance, before a Luke broke the silence again.

"Jules, can I ask you a question? A few actually." He asked, shakily, started to visibly become more nervous.

"Anything." Julie said, backing away as he did the same.

He grabbed ahold of her arms, but continue to spin her as the music played and they talked.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" He asked, with her hands still entangled in his.

"Not in the last 5 minutes." She laughed


"Well I do." Luke said, giggling.

"I love you too." She said

"Well let me ask you my second question." He said. He spun her around so she was facing the opposite direction of where he was standing.

"Will you marry me?" He said, trying to get it out as firmly as he could, but still sounding shaky.

"Luke what are y-" Julie turned around to see Luke, down on his knee, with a box, and a dahlia ring inside. Her hand went directly to her mouth, and tears began to run down her face. She was at a loss for words. She had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She tried to hold back her sniffles and tears to let Luke talk but she couldn't hold it back.

As Luke watched her reaction, and tried to get the rest out, he also began to cry, at the thought he was actually doing this. He was proposing to the girl of his dreams. The one he thought he would never be with. Yet here he is.

"we've known each other for a very long time...and you make every day worth it. I'd honestly don't know what I would do without you. Not only do you make me a better write you make me a better person...and I know I may be a dork, but I'd be the happiest dork on earth if you'd marry me. Julie Molina will you marry me?"

what if I just ended it here and said "and it was all a dream"

lucky for you guys I care about you (unlike sara, who ripped out your heartstrings and ate them right in front of you.) i won't do that <3

even though I still hate you, thank you sara for improvising the entire marry me paragraph

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