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forgot to give credits to sara for helping with designing the house, clothes for wedding, all the christmas gifts, and the baby naming. and the cruise idea and the room of the cruise.

question of the day: which if you could go anywhere right now where would it be?

Luke woke up bright and early on February 5th, and got out of bed. He looked at his phone that read 6:00 AM. He ran over to Julie's side of the bed, and gently shook her awake.

"Wake up pretty." He said. Her eyes fluttered open, and she turned herself over so she wasn't facing Luke anymore. He laughed, and went to face her again. He tugged on her arm lightly while laughing.

"Jewel, we gotta go!" He chuckled as Julie lay in bed.

"Why?" She pouted.

"Cause we're gonna be late!" Luke said.

"Fine." She said, she crawled out of bed and went to go get ready. She took a shower, did her hair, and got dressed. She wore a pair of black sweatpants, and black cropped shirt, and a long red cardigan, and white sneakers. She met Luke downstairs, and he was at the counter drinking water.

"Do you wanna go get breakfast first?"

"Yes please. I need coffee." Julie laughed. The two made their way outside, and Julie and Luke placed their suitcases in the trunk. They got in the car, Luke in the drivers seat, and Julie in the passenger seat, and they went to get breakfast.

Julie got a coffee, and a biscuit and so did Luke. After they got their food, they got back into the car,
and began to drive to their location.

"Luke can you tell me now?" Julie asked, before taking a sip of her drink

"Fine, We're going on a cruise...to Mexico!" Luke said

"Are you serious?" Julie asked

Luke nodded.

"Thank you Luke! I'm so excited!" Julie said

"The coffee's starting to kick in." Luke laughed

Julie rolled her eyes, and laughed along. Within a minutes, the couple arrived at the deck. They were there so early, no one else had arrived.

"So you woke me up at 6 for nothing?" Julie said.

"On the bright side, we can board first?" Luke said, putting up jazz hands to lighten the mood.

Julie rolled her eyes and laughed, and boarded the boat. After the two got on the boat, they checked in, and got their room.

(here :)

Luke and Julie walked into their room, and Julie's jaw dropped

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Luke and Julie walked into their room, and Julie's jaw dropped.

"Luke you did this?" She asked

"Of course." He smiled.

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