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and daily motivation: you are amazing, and don't let ANYBODY tell you different
and just to clarify julie's due date is may 30th:)
May 6, 2030
8:54 PM
It was a night like any other. Nothing was happening that day. Julie and Luke finished their nursery, and now they just have to wait until Julie's due date.

Julie was laying in bed, on her phone, when she felt a pain. In her lower back. It wasn't like the other ones. This one was more intense then any other. Julie slowly tried to position herself in a more comfortable way. Luke had just came back in to the room, after finishing tidying up downstairs.

"You feeling okay?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm fine." Julie smiled up at him. But she wasn't fine. That one hurt.

Luke placed a kiss on her forehead, and walked away to go make sure the door was locked, leaving Julie on the bed. Julie then felt a sudden pressure, and had to go pee. Confused again, she got up and made her way to the bathroom.

A thought finally occurred to her.

After she finished, she rushed out to go find Flynn. Flynn was sitting at the stairs with Lucas, when she saw a panicked look on Julie's face.

"Woah! Slow down." Flynn exclaimed. "What's the matter with you?" Flynn asked

"I just had this crazy thought. What if I was in labor." Julie said. Flynn stayed silent and stared. Julie began to laugh. "Crazy, I know-"

"No,'s not crazy. I mean you are 9 months, it's not impossible."

"Yeah but my due date is the 30th." Julie argued

"But Lucas was early too. Look don't get too freaked out yet, but you never know." Flynn reassured.

Julie smiled, and made her way back upstairs.

She sat down in her bed, feeling the same sharp pain she had been feeling all day. She needed to know what was up. She looked up lower back pain, and all her resources said...


Julie didn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it. As excited as she was, she was also terrified. She wanted to meet Emily so bad, but she just didn't feel ready. What if she was never ready?

Avoiding her problems, Julie went to sleep. All she felt like doing, was resting. She assumed Luke would finish up soon, and come to bed with her.

She got changed, and shut off the lights.

May 7, 2030
2:22 AM        
Julie and Luke lie in bed, when Julie had the sudden urge to restroom. Slowly, she got up out of bed, and walked over to her bathroom.

Right as she was about to enter the bathroom door, she felt a sharp pain, and water.

She looked down to be standing in a small puddle of water. She sighed before looking down at her stomach and whispering.


She sighed once more, and called out for Luke.

"Luke...Luke!" She whisper screamed.

"Huh?" He jumped out of bed, wiping his eyes.

"My water broke." Julie whispered

"What?" He asked, his eyes widening.

"You heard me, we gotta go." Julie exclaimed.

Luke jumped outta bed, and Julie rushed into the bathroom. Luke ran over to Emily's room, where the hospital bag was, and grabbed it. He ran back over into their room to see Julie in the bathroom fixing her hair.

"Jules are you doing your hair?" He asked

"Duh." Julie responded with the curling iron in her hair

"Jules you're in labor." He laughed

"Exactly I wanna look goo-," Julie cut herself off, and put down the curing iron. She used the bathroom sink as a brace, and sharply exhaled.

"What? Was that a contraction?" He asked

"Yeah." Julie said

"We're supposed to be timing them!" Luke exclaimed

"I am! They are...5 minutes apart." Julie said, checking her phone for the time

"Jules! We gotta go!" Luke exclaimed.

Julie put away the curing iron, put her hair into a bun, and followed Luke as they made their way downstairs. No one else's was awake, and they knew they couldn't waste any time. They'll call the rest of the group in the car.

Luke and Julie rushed out into the car and began to leave. As they're driving, Luke pulls out his phone, and dials Reggie's number.

~~~~~at the house~~~~~~~
As Flynn and Reggie lay in bed, Reggies phone starts to ring. The loud ringtone jolts Flynn awake, slightly scaring her. She waits for Reggie to wake up and answer, and realizes he's fast asleep.

"Don't worry I got it." She said sarcastically

She reached over to Reggie's side, and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Flynn answered.

"Hey, Flynn, Listen Julie's water broke-,"

"I knew it!" Flynn said

"Yeah, yeah whatever you knew it." Luke started. "Can you just wake up the guys and tell them to meet us here in like 10 minutes?" He asked.

"Got it." Flynn replied. She hung up, and gently shook Reggie.

"Reg get up." She said.

"Hm?" Reggie said, half awake.

"Julie's water broke, we gotta go." Flynn said.

"Who's gonna stay with Lucas?" Reggie asked

"Uh, you call my mom, then get ready. I'll get Alex and Willie." Flynn said, dialing numbers on the phone.

Reggie nodded, and Flynn left the room.

Flynn ran down the hallway to Alex and Willie's bedroom. She knocked lightly on the door.


Once again Flynn knocked.


This time, Flynn knocked, but a lot harder.

"Get up! Julie's water broke!" Flynn yelled.

Almost immediately, Flynn heard footsteps, and saw Alex in the doorway.

"Julie what?" He asked

"Yes, her water broke. So get dressed, and meet us downstairs." Flynn said. She walked away to go get Lucas and get dressed.

~~~~~in the car~~~~~

Julie exhaled sharply as another contraction hit her.

"How long was that?" Luke asked

"4 minutes apart." Julie said

"Okay, we're almost there." Luke reassured.

~~~~~~~~~at the house~~~~~~~~~~
Flynn and Reggie were finished getting ready, and they met Alex and Willie downstairs.

"Let's go?"
i think we kinda saw it coming but oh well muahah

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