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question of the day: what phone do you have?

time skip 5 weeks-

It's been 5 weeks since the couple found out they were expecting, and Julie still hadn't told her dad. She was trying to find ways to tell him, in a way he would be more excited, then upset. Sure, Julie was a legal adult, but obviously her dad still saw her as a little baby.

"Jules, have you thought of anything yet?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, What if we got a shirt that says #1 grandpa?" Julie suggested.

"That's so cute, we can go when the store opens. What time is it?" Luke asked.

Julie opened her phone that read 11:01 AM. Luke looked over and noticed Julie's wallpaper. It was an ultrasound of the baby from their first appointment a few weeks ago Luke smiled and laughed.

"Nice wallpaper."

"Thank you." Julie replied "I think it's open now, you wanna go?"

"Sure." The two got up, and made their way to the car.

"Let's stop and get breakfast." Luke said, pulling into their local cafe. "What do you want?"

"Can I get a coffee, and a muffin?" Julie asked.

"Babe." He said grabbing her hand, slightly laughing. "You know you can't have coffee." He said

"I know, but what's the worst that could happen?" Julie groaned.

Luke laughed again before responding. "It could affect the baby?"

"Fine. I'll just have a water." Julie said.

Luke ordered, and the two made their way to the store. The two got out, and made their way into the store, and into the shirt aisle. They found the shirt they were looking for, and before leaving, Luke asked a question.

"Do you wanna check out the baby aisle?" Luke asked.

Julie nodded, and they made their way to the aisle. They looked at a bunch of baby clothing, possible strollers, car seats, cribs, and toys.

"Luke, isn't this cute?" Julie said, picking up a blue baby jumper.

"Yes, but it would suck if we bought boy clothing, and ended up having a girl." Luke said

Julie nodded, and proceeded to look around at other products. At the corner of her eye, Julie saw a flash. She looked from where she saw the flash, but didn't see anything.

"What?" Luke asked, noticing what Julie was doing.

"Nothing." Julie said.


Julie saw another flash and looked over, but once again she saw nothing.

"Weird." She thought to herself.

"We shouldn't buy anything until we know the gender." Luke said, cutting of her thoughts.

"Yeah...yeah." Julie said looking in the spot one last time before leaving.

The two made their way back into the car, when Luke asked.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seemed a little weirded out at the store."

"Yeah, It's just I kept seeing a flash, but I don't know if I was just seeing things, or it was real." Julie said.

"Just let me know if you see it again." Luke said, grabbing a hold of her hands while driving.

Julie nodded, and smiled at Luke

They had arrived at the old house where Ray lived.
Ray was at the table, as always, working.

"Hey guys!" Ray greeted.

"Hi, we have a surprise for you." Julie said, sitting down at the table.

"Okay..." Ray said nervously

Julie handed him the bag, and he began to open it. He got to the shirt and held it up. He turned it so the wording was facing him, and began to read it aloud.

"#1..grandpa. #1...grandpa?" Ray thought for a second before gasping. "Jules are you?-,"

"Mhm!" Julie cut him off excitedly.

He ran over, and hugged her and Luke tightly, and began to slightly tear up.

"How long have you guys known?" He asked

"A little longer than a month." Luke replied smiling.

"Do you have any photos?"

Julie pulled out her phone, and showed her dad her wallpaper. He began to tear up a little bit more, and this time Julie noticed.

"Dad are you crying?" Julie asked laughing.

"Don't look at me!" He replied, causing Julie and Luke to laugh.

Ray hugged them one last time, before speaking again. "Congrats again guys, and if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." He reassured. The two nodded and left.

Right as they got into the car, Julie thought of something.

"Luke, should we tell everybody?" She asked

"What do you mean, everyone knows." He replied, confused

"No, I mean like announce it...on social media." Julie said, uncertain of what he would say.

"If you're ready, go for it." Luke smiled

Julie pulled out her phone, and looked for the ultrasound picture that was taken a few weeks ago, and posters to instagram.

(the post)


@JulieMP: coming May 2030:)——————————————————————————Comments

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@JulieMP: coming May 2030:)

shaquille_oatmeal: HUH

regina_phalange: aren't y'all like 17?
JulieMP: no, i'm 24, and he is 26:)

Emmaiol: Congrats!

FlamingoLoser: I don't like y'all but congrats ig

billnyetherussianspy: CONGRATS!!

imagine.being.ajatpstan: and y'all still manage to stan them

jatploverrr: y'all need to stop hating it's their life not yours smh

load more comments....


"Well, most of it is good!?" Luke said uncertain.

"Who cares Luke?" Julie said "If we're happy, then who cares what others think?"

Luke nodded and kissed the top of her head

hee hee🕺🕺

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