
908 32 48

May 9th 2030

Julie had now been in the hospital for 2 days, and she was finally able to go home. She was packing up her and Emily's bags, as Luke loaded up the car.

She dressed Emily in a newborn outfit, gifted to her by Flynn. It was a white romper, decorated with pink flowers. Julie also kept her little hospital hat on.

Right as Julie finished, she walked over to Emily's hospital crib, and picked her up, and rocked her around the room as she spoke to her.

"Hi Emmy." Julie started. "I know you don't really understand what I'm saying. But I just want you to know I love you." Emily continued just continued to sleep, which Julie found fascinating. "God, what did I do to deserve you?" She asked herself, smiling down at Emily-Rose.

Julie looked up, as she heard a knock coming from the front door. She saw Luke standing in the doorway.

"We ready?" He asked, holding a wheelchair in front of him.

"Let's do it." Julie said. She placed Emily in her new carseat, and walked over to Luke. Luke took the car seat, and Julie at as they made their way to the car.

With the help of a nurse, Carefully, Julie and Emily both got in the back seat of the car, with Luke in the drivers seat.

"Thank you." Julie thanked the nurse one last time. 

She closed the car door, and got in right next to Emily, before they drive off.

They were a few minutes into the drive when Luke looked through his mirror and asked.

"How's she doing?" He asked, his eyes returning to the road.

"She's fine. She's just sleeping." Julie said, her hand right over Emily's tiny knee.

The two arrived home within a matter of time, and Luke grabbed the car seat from the back, as Julie got out. They walked up to the house door, and Julie opened it. And to her surprise , the 4 inside the house were all waiting for her.

"Surprise!" They whisper yelled, knowing Emily was asleep.

They had decorated the front, in celebration, and had been waiting all morning.

They had decorated the front, in celebration, and had been waiting all morning

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(let's talk about my photoshop skills again😩☝️‼️)

"Guys.." Julie said in awe of the decorations. She went over to go hug everyone. "Thank you." She smiled in everyone's embrace.

"Of course." Flynn responded. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Tired." Julie laughed. "But happy."

"Jules?" Luke said from behind. Julie turned around and looked at him. "You wanna go put her in the nursery?" He asked.

Julie got so excited. They had worked on this nursery for months, and it was finally gonna be put the use. "Let's do it." She smiled.

The two made their way upstairs, to the nursery door. To the count of 3, the couple walked in, and walked Emily around the nursery.

 To the count of 3, the couple walked in, and walked Emily around the nursery

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"Welcome home Emmy." Julie smiled down at her, as they walked around the nursery, with her in Julie's hands.

"It's good to be back." Luke smiled, planting a small kiss on Julie's head.

okay okay i know, this chapter is crappy and hella short, but next chapter HOPEFULLY is better than this one. i think you're gonna like it😉

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