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question of the day: what is your favorite flower?

hey besties, it's jayla here, so let me clarify some things before this chapter starts.

1. luke is alive (all the guys are)
2. luke has been in contact with his parents since he came back to life. we're gonna pretend his parents knew he was a ghost and he came back to life yada yada yada.
3. he has a good relationship with them still!

okay enjoy besties:)


Luke and Julie sit in the car, getting responses to their post by the second, when Julie asked a question.

"Luke, are you ready to tell your parents? If your not it's okay we can wait a few more." Julie asked

"No, I think i'm ready." Luke responded.

Just in case Luke was ready, Julie bought two extra grandparents shirts. She pulled them out the backseats and handed them to Luke.

"We got this." She said.

Luke drove

through the suburbs

(okay sorry back to the chapter)

Luke drove to his parents house, and took a deep breath before walking in. He doesn't know why he was so nervous, it was just his parents. He just wanted them to be happy for him.

They walked up to the front door, and Luke knocks. Almost immediately, Emily walks to the door, and opens it.

"Hi, kiddos!" Emily greets them

"Hi mom." Luke says, and pulls her in for a hug

"Hi Emily." Julie greets, hugging her after Luke.

"We want to talk to you and sad about something." Luke says shakily.

"Oh, Is everything okay?" Emily asks

"No, it's okay." Julie says, grabbing a hold of Luke's arm to reassure him. Emily moves out the way and opens the door for the couple to go in. They walk in and sit at the table, where Mitch is. He greets the two, then Emily comes in and sits beside him.

"So?" Mitch asks

"Me and Julie have a present for you guys." Luke handed them the bag and sat back down. Emily and Mitch opened the bag, and handed the shirt for Emily to Emily. They opened the shirt and read it. Emily didn't even have to finish before she caught on. She gasped and dropped the shirt.

"Are you?" She asked

Julie nodded excitedly.

Emily ran over with tears in her eyes to hug Julie. Mitch, who was still processing it, had no idea what was going on. Right as Emily released Julie from her hug, Mitch understood. He so ran over to hug the couple.

"Oh, Congratulations." Emily says, tears running down her cheeks.

"Yeah, we're so happy for you guys." Mitch smiled.

"Thank you." Julie responded

After a tiny bit more small talk, the couple left and made their way home.

When they got to the room, Julie passed out onto her bed, causing Luke to laugh.

"We barely even did anything." He laughed

"You try being pregnant." Julie said, looking up at him.

Luke laughed a little harder before a buzz went off on his phone.

"Julie Molina is Pregnant?" He said reading an article off his phone. "They must've seen us at the store."

"That was that flash I kept seeing." Julie confessed

"Ohhh." Luke said "Well it's getting late, let's head to bed." The couple got changed, and went to bed.

It was the middle of the night when Juke heard a


She jumped up and looked around for any signs. She slowly got out of bed, causing Luke to wake up too,

"Where are you going?" He asked sleepily

"I heard something." Julie said walking out the room.

Luke got up out of bed and followed her. She started walking down the stairs, where she saw Reggie and Flynn at the counter.

"Flynn? Reggie?" Julie asked

"Hey, why are you up?" Flynn asked

"I kept hearing noises outside." Julie said

"Us too!" Reggie exclaimed

"Why don't we go check Reggie." Luke said.

Reggie and Luke made their way outside, and check around the entire house, to see nothing. They walk back in to the girls, and tell them what they found.

"I could've sworn i heard something." Julie said.

"Well let's just go back to bed, I'm sure it's nothing." Luke reassured  her. They made their way back upstairs, and went to bed


credits to sara for the bodyody thing🙄

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