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hey bestie, here's a few things you should know
-i love you:)
-it'll be okay
-don't stress
and i'm gonna do time skips, because it gets harder to write tiny time killing chapters.
and i hope you like this:)
and if you ever are bored, just watch friends, i swear you instantly feel better, (and you're gonna laugh sooo hard omg)
-time skip 4 months-
February 5, 2030
A few months went by, and now Julie was 6 months pregnant, and she had a way bigger bump. She was constantly searching for maternity clothing, as her bump grew bigger and bigger. She also constantly was looking through her baby checklist, which generously Flynn made for her, to see what she needed and when.

Julie woke up around 9 AM, and Luke was already gone. The boys and him decided to go out on a walk, just to hang out together. They didn't really get to do that as much anymore. Now that Julie was pregnant, and Reggie and Flynn had a child, They were always busy.

Slowly, Julie got out of bed, made her way to the bathroom to get ready, and went downstairs, where she met Flynn, with Lucas walking around. Ever since he learned how to walk, he never sits down.

"Hey buddy!" Julie said once she saw him. She picked him up and spun him around, before putting him back down on the couch, and tickling him.

Julie smiled at him, and sat next to him. Lucas lifted his hand and placed it on Julie's stomach. He then put his head next to it, causing Julie to laugh.

Flynn, who was watching from the kitchen was also in awe.

"Someone's definitely gonna win Aunt of the year award." Flynn laughed.

Julie laughed, and Flynn came and sat next to her.

"How you feeling?" She asked

"I'm Okay." Julie replied

"Just wait til third trimester." Flynn laughed

"Thanks Flynn." Julie said sarcastically, before laughing.

"How's the checklist going?" Flynn asked

"It's going good. We just finished the last detail of the nursery, and I started looking at baby shower venues." Julie replied.

"Ooo, do you guys have a name yet?" Flynn asked

Julie froze. The baby was coming in 3 months, and Luke and Julie hadn't even thought about names yet.

"No, actually. We haven't." Julie realized

"Well that's okay! You still have long ways to go." Flynn reassured.

Julie smiled at her comment, before pulling her in for a hug. Right as they were hugging, both Julie and Flynn felt a weird sudden movement from Julie's stomach.

"Jules, did you feel that?" Flynn asked

"Oh, yeah It's just a little muscle spasm. It's been happening for a while." Julie reassured, as if it was no big deal.

"How long?" Flynn asked

"Like a month?" Julie said, confused

" Julie that's a kick." Flynn said

"What? Hug me again." Julie said. They hugged again, and they felt it again.

"Jules this is amazing!" Flynn said

Right as Flynn said that, the guys walked in.

"What's amazing?" Willie asked

"Guys come here! She's kicking!"Julie yelled.

The guys all rushed over, and sat next to Julie. They placed their hands on her stomach, and felt as the baby girl kicked. Julie looked over at Luke, who's face was growing red, and tears filled his eyes.

"Luke are you crying?" Julie laughed

"No.." He said, obviously crying

Julie laughed, and placed a soft kiss in his lips. The others got off the couch, leaving Julie and Luke. Luke's hand stayed on Julie's stomach, not wanting to miss another kick.

As the two sit there, a thought crosses Julie's mind.

What are we gonna name her.

She looked down at Luke, who's head was on her stomach, and began to speak.


He smiled up at her.

"What are we gonna name her? I mean we only have like 3 months." Julie said, gently messing with his hair.

"That's right. How is everything happening so fast?" Luke asked. "I wish everything would slow down."

"I don't." Julie replied quickly.

Luke laughed at her remark. The two stopped talking for a minute, while Julie thought about name ideas.

"What if we named her...Emily?" Julie asked, playing with his hair.

He immediately perked up, and looked at her.

"After my mom?" He asked
Julie nodded, and smiled. "Yeah." She laughed. "I know how important your family is to you. Especially your mom. And I think Emily Patterson has a nice ring to it." She joked.

"W-well what about your mom? I know how much she meant to you too." Luke said.

"We can't have 2 first names, genius." Julie laughed. Luke grew quiet. Julie stared at Luke, who looked deep in his thoughts. Luke noticed her stating and smiled.

"What?" He asked

"You're cute when you think." Julie replied

Luke rolled his eyes, and a light bulb went off. He finally got a name idea.

"What if it was Emily-Rose? With a hyphen." Luke said. A smile grew on Julie's face, as she looked down at her stomach, and back at Luke.

"I think that's the one." Julie smiled.

Luke smiled back at her, and pulled her in for a hug. Right as they hugged, Julie and Luke felt a kick. The hardest one yet.

Julie and Luke laughed, before Julie spoke again.

"Jeez...I gotta go pee now." Luke and Julie laughed at her random remark, and Julie got up and left.

hey bestiee! sorry i disappear on weekends lol, i'm most motivated on weekdays. i hope you guys enjoy this chapter!



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