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i'm gonna start putting pictures bc everyone else is doing it so why not.
also daily motivation: go get some water, and it'll be okay:)
i guess the title kinda gives away what this chapter is about, so what do you think julie and luke are having?
(ps, i'll make it easy for you, there's only 1)
-1 month time skip-

Julie got up bright and early at 9 AM to get ready. Today she would find out the gender of her baby. She crept out of bed, and went to her mirror. She rubbed her hands against the tiny bump that was forming on her stomach. She smiled at the sight of it. Ever since the paparazzi incident, the paparazzi had been arrested for trespassing, and Julie had began to feel much better about herself. She was happier than ever.

She took a shower, got dressed in a pair of sweatpants, a white tank top, and an oversized zip up hoodie, and she met Flynn downstairs at the kitchen counter.

"Hello pregnant best friend." Flynn joked

"Hello non-pregnant best friend." Julie laughed

"You know, It's funny how the roles were reversed just a year ago. Now I'm the one, getting to surprise you with your gender

(if you don't understand, go back and read flynn's gender reveal chapter >:(

"I know! I'm so excited." Julie said

"So, is there a specific gender you want?" Flynn teased

"To be honest, I don't really care. As long as it's healthy. When I asked you, I thought there really would be one that you wanted. Now it's not even relevant. As long as I get to call this baby Me and Luke's, I'm okay."

"Aww...They grow up so fast!" Flynn said wiping away fake tears.

Julie laughed, before speaking again "C'mon, we gotta go."

Right as the two got into the car, Flynn put on her seatbelt before speaking.

"Hey! Look at you, you got a little bump." Flynn pointed at her stomach

Julie laughed, as Flynn turned in the car, and begin to drive.


They arrived at the ultrasound, and the doctor did her usual scan on Julie's stomach

"Alright, There it is." The doctor said, pointing at the monitor.

"Aww." Julie said, she pulled out her phone to take a picture, to show Luke later.

"Alright, Well we have the gender, who should I give it too?" The doctor said, hinting at the envelope

"Give it to her." Julie smiled at Flynn

The doctor handed Flynn the envelope, and with absolutely no hesitation, Flynn opened the envelope, and her hand flew to her mouth. She looked at Julie then back at the envelope.

"I'm so happy for you!" Flynn said, hugging Julie as she sat up.

"Thank you." Julie smiled

The two checked out, and Flynn drove Julie back home. She had to go get the supplies for Julie, and couldn't risk her peeking.

Julie walked inside, and was greeted by Luke at the door.

"Hey! You got a little bump." He said, placing a hand on her tiny stomach.

Julie laughed, and placed her hand on top of Luke's, and smiled at him.

Right as they were there, Alex came in.

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