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BEFORE WE START, i just want to say a few things,

1. instead of doing different chapters dedicated to different holidays, im going to do a few time skips in one chapter. So itll be thanksgiving, the baby shower, christmas, and new years, so its probably gonna be a little long. Also, expect something interesting muahah
2. please do not copy our books without credits. Me and Sara have been really nice about it for the past few months, but we're fed up with it. If your gonna copy us, the least you could do is give credits. Me and Sara work hard on these books, and seeing people take our ideas and use it as their own is disgusting. So please, just give credits. We will block and report
3. thank you for your support on our books, i just feel like i don't thank you guys enough lol. We love and appreciate you so muchhhh so thank youuu <3

——2 week time skip.——
It had been 2 weeks, and the guys came home a few days later. Julie purchased the dresses, and showed Luke. The couple had finalized planning their wedding, and Reggie and Flynn completed their baby shower. Before they knew it, it was thanksgiving. It wasn't like any other. This was their first thanksgiving together. Julie had done all the cooking from early in the morning, to the early afternoon, denying help from anyone who offered it.

"Hey Jules." Luke said coming behind Julie, causing her to jump.

"Luke." Julie chuckled rolling her eyes. "Don't do that."

"I'm sorry." He hugged her from behind, and placed his head on her shoulder, as she continued to cook. "You sure you don't need help?" He asked

"Yes, don't worry, I've got it. But thank you." She placed a light kiss on his lips, then went back to cooking. Slowly, Luke let go, but placed a kiss on the top of her head before leaving.

Julie finished putting something in the oven, and walked away from the kitchen. She turned to see Flynn coming down the stairs.

"Flynn? Be careful! Are you even supposed to go down stairs?" Julie asked.

"I'm fine just...gotta..go..slow." Flynn said, in between every step.

"Okay.." Julie said before her timer went off. She pulled the item out the oven, and exhaled in relief. She was finally done.

"Done." Julie said throwing her hands up in celebration.

"Ooooh." Flynn said walking over to the kitchen. She reached out to the trays in front of her, before Julie had slapped her hand.

"Hey!" Flynn pulled back her hand. "Let me eat, I'm with child."

"Well sorry to you and your child, but you have to wait, until dinner."

"Not even a tiny bite?" Flynn begged.

Julie sighed, before reaching for a potato slice, and handing it to her. "Fine, don't tell anyone." She laughed

"My lips are sealed." Flynn laughed, walking away with her potato.

Julie rolled her eyes and chuckled as she walked away.

———-3 hours later——

"Let's go guys!" Julie yelled upstairs, waiting for the guys to come down. It was time for dinner. Flynn and Julie had set the table, waiting for the guys to come.

One by one, everyone made their way downstairs and sat at the table.

"Can I just say, I'm so grateful...for all of you. I never would've made it through all these years without all of you. Thank you, for sticking by my side, and not leaving. I really appreciate it. So here's to us." Julie said, picking up her glass, and raising it. Everyone followed her actions, raising their glass. "Now let's dig in!"

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