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unrelated but, if you ever want a confidence boost, watch the video above:) and just want you to know, you are loved, i hope your day is going great, and we love you <3

Flynn got up and left leaving Julie by herself in her room. She knew she made a promise to her, but she didn't know if she could keep it. She wanted everything to be okay, when it wasn't. She walked into the bathroom to wipe away her tears. After she finished, she tried to leave the room, but she couldn't , she would just break down again.

Instead, she sat back down on her bed, and look through old photos of the group. She starts to to tear up until she hears a knock at the door.

Quickly, she wipes away her tears, and looks up to see Luke in the doorframe, with a plate of food.

"Heyyyy." Luke said

"Hi." Julie said shakily.

"I brought you food!" Luke smiled, bringing it to the bed.

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry." Julie said softly.

"Since when are you not hungry?" Luke laughed sitting next to her on the bed.

Julie didn't respond and just looked away.

"Jules." Luke whined, sitting across from her, extending his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Julie lied

"Julie, c'mon." Luke insisted, he reached into kiss her, but Julie dodged it. "Jules?" He asked

"I'm sorry, I'm just tired. Maybe i'll eat later." She kissed his head, and closed her eyes. Luke moved away from her, and placed the blanket on top of her. He placed the plate of food on her nightstand and left the room.

As Luke left the room, he met Flynn downstairs.

"What's up? You look weirded out." Flynn said, sitting on the couch.

"Nothing, just Julie's acting weird." Luke said

"You should talk to her." Flynn said, remembering what had just happened.

"I did, but she keeps saying nothing's wrong." Luke said

"You know Julie isn't gonna say anything unless you really beg." Flynn slightly chuckled.

"I know." Luke smiled, then got a confused look on his face. "Do you know something I don't?"

Flynn got up, and walked over to him. "All I'm gonna say, is that she needs you right now." Flynn patted his shoulder, and gestured for him to go upstairs.

Luke ran back upstairs and into their room, to see Julie "asleep" and her food untouched.

"Julie." Luke said

Julie didn't respond, trying to get him under the impression she was asleep.

"Jules, We both know you're not asleep." Luke said

Julie got up, and faced him. "Yes?" She snapped.

Luke looked at the dried tears on her face, he ran over and sat in front of her.

"What's wrong?" He said softly.

Julie shook her head softly.

"Jules." He demanded. "I'm only trying to help you. Please." He begged.

Julie sighed before beginning to speak. "Earlier today, I was trying to make breakfast..and these paparazzi were outside the house..." Julie stopped herself, before shaking her head.

"Go on." Luke said softly

"One of them called me a slut." Julie rushed out.

Luke paused before speaking."B-because you're pregnant? Julie, how does that make you a slut? Being pregnant, doesn't make you a slut. It makes you tough. Julie, in less than 9 months, you're gonna give birth to a child. You're one of the strongest people I know. What those paparazzi said, was blatantly wrong. Julie you know that you're not. Don't ever let something stupid like that get to you."

"I know, it just sucks." Julie said, as Luke pulled her in for a hug.

"I know, I know." Luke said, rubbing her back

"Did they leave?" Luke asked, as they pulled back

"I don't know."

Right as Julie finished, Luke stormed out the room, and made his way downstairs. You could hear yelling like "Leave!" "I'll call the police!" "This isn't your house!" from downstairs. After a few minutes rushed back up to Julie, and told her.

"Don't worry, they're not there anymore."

Julie laughed, and pulled him in for a quick kiss.

okay, i feel kinda bad for writing this bc
1. it's kinda sad ngl
2. this chapter feels rushed
3. it's kinda short
so i'm very sorry about this sucky chapter, but hopefully you liked it!

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