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you'll understand the title name later;)

-another 4 month time skip-

Another 4 months had passed, and everyone had gotten father along in planning. Luke and Julie had chosen their wedding cake, they choose their location, Luke and the guys had gone away for his groom shower , Flynn and Reggie were planning their baby shower, and everything seemed fine. But something felt missing to Julie.

It was about 10 in the morning, and it was just the girls in the house. Julie got up out of bed, brushed her teeth and went downstairs. She saw Flynn at the counter, holding a bottle of water. Only this time, Flynn's stomach was wayyy larger than before. It had always been there but she was now noticing it.

"Whoaaaa, did you grow overnight?" Julie asked, running her eyes making sure she was seeing correctly.

"Good morning to you too Julie, I'm great thanks for asking." Flynn joked

"Sorry, but oh my god!" Julie said walking over to her. "How big is he now?" She asked

"About a kabocha squash." Flynn laughed

"Aww...I have no idea what that is." Julie said

"It's fine." Flynn chuckled. "He's about 2 ponds ish, and starting to open his eyes and blink."

"Aww! Only 2 more months!" Julie smiled. "You sad?"

"Not at all."  Flynn said quickly

"What?" Julie laughed

"I hate this, I just wanna meet him already." Flynn said

"Well these 2 months are gonna go by pretty quick so, enjoy it." Julie laughed.

Flynn laughed along, and was cut of by a ringing. They looked down to see Julie's phone. She was getting a call from someone in her phone named


"Nice emojis." Flynn chimed in

"Shut up." Julie laughed

Julie answered the phone to see the 4 guys, sitting on the couch, in their resort. The guys decided to go to Anaheim for the weekend.

"Hi pretty" Luke smiled

"Hi Luke. What are you guys doing?" She asked, smiling

"We're just watching TV. We're waiting for the lobby to open downstairs so we can play foosball."

"Of course you are." Julie laughed

"Hi Flynn!" Reggie said from behind Luke

Julie moved the phone, to where you could now see Flynn. Reggie caught a glimpse of her stomach, to which his jaw dropped.

"Whoaaa, did you grow overnight?" Reggie asked

"That's what I said!" Julie exclaimed

"Very funny." Flynn said sarcastically "But yeah I literally doubled.

"Hey guys the lobby's open." Willie said behnd them, through the phone

"Bye Flynn, Love you!" Reggie said before getting up and following Willie and Alex. Flynn smiled, and Luke stayed.

"So Julie..." Luke started

"Just go." Julie laughed

"Thank you, I love you!" Luke said

"Love you too." Julie said. She hung up the phone, and laughed along with Flynn.

Julie went over to the fridge, and grabbed a bottle of water.

"So, have you any ideas yet ?" Flynn asked

"For what?" Julie asked taking a sip of water

"Your bridal shower?"

Julie choked on her water, causing Flynn to loo over concerned. After Julie swallowed, she began to speak again

"That's what I forgot...Oh my god." Julie said face-palming herself

"I can do it if you want-" Flynn offered

"No Flynn, you have your baby shower to worry about."

"But that's next month. I only have a few more details to work out. Plus it doesn't have to be big. Kayla and Carrie are still in town, and it's just the 4 of us. We could just do something here." Flynn said

"You would do that for me?" Julie asked

"Of course!"

"Fine." Julie laughed


A few hours had passed, and Flynn was rushing down the stairs to Julie.

"Julie! Julie! Julie! I finished!" Flynn said excitedly

"You what?" Julie said, making sure she heard correctly

"I finished planning! Us 4 our going to have a sleepover here, tonight." Flynn said excitedly

"How'd you do it so fast?"

"It's only 4 people, plus you said you wanted to keep it lowkey. So I'm ordering food, and we're doing it here tonight."

"And Carrie and Kayla know?" Julie asked

"Yep!" Flynn replied

"Thank you Flynn."

"No problem. Oh, and, they'll be here in a few hours, so go pick out so cute pajamas." Flynn said

"You're a lifesaver!" Julie said running up the stairs

"Thats me!"

sorry for the short chapter:(

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