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"Will you marry me?" Luke asked.

"No." Julie said

An awkward silence filled the room.

im just kidding i love y'all too much for that, here's the real chapter:)

"Will you marry me?" Luke said, tears running down his rosy cheeks, as he's on his knee looking at the girl standing above him.

She nodded, with her hand still on her face, and tears still flowing down her face.

"Yes, Yes!" Julie jumped.

Luke got up in relief, and picked up the girl, causing her to squeal in excitement. He set her down, and he placed a passionate kiss on her lips in excitement. He pulled back and resting his forehead on hers.

"Wanna try it on?" He asked, smiling, and laughing and crying. He was overwhelmed with so many emotions.

She nodded, he grabbed her hand, and placed the ring on. It fit perfectly, causing Julie to cry a little harder.

"Thank you Luke, it's beautiful." She managed to stutter out, as she was still crying.

He nodded, and hugged her so tight, as if it was the last time he would ever see her.

While they were still embraced in their hug, Alex, Reggie, and Luke walked in. Julie's back was facing the door, so she didn't acknowledge the three come in. Flynn gave him a questioning look, and Luke nodded. The 3 clapped, and jumped up and down in excitement.

Julie turned away from Luke, and saw the 3 in the doorway. She ran over to Flynn, and gave her a hug, while Luke went over to the boys.

"Did you know?" Julie asked Flynn excitedly.

"Yes! Yes! Now let me see!" Flynn said, reaching for her hand."Julie, that is gorgeous! I'm so happy for you guys!" She said jumping.

"Look at you, man!" Alex said, giving him a hug, and clapping his back

"Luke-y's getting married!" Reggie said in a sing-song tone

Everyone in the garage laughed, at Reggie's new song. The 5 walked into the garage to see Ray at the table on his computer. When he saw the group walked in, he immediately closed his computer.

"So?" He asked, getting up

"I said yes!" Julie said sticking out her hand for her dad to see. She ran over to him, and gave him a hug, and he admired her ring.

"Your mom would be so happy for you." Ray said, holding her shoulders

"She would." Julie agreed. Julie gave him another hug. He let go and walked over to Luke.

"Congrats! But remember our talk." He said, giving him the "I'm watching you fingers." Julie laughed, at Luke, who seemed to force a laugh, to hide his nervousness.

"And Jules, if you ever need help planning, we're all here." Flynn smiled, gesturing to everyone in the room.

"Thank you guys, and the same for you Flynn." Julie smiled pulling Flynn in for a hug.

"What?" Ray asked, confused to as what Julie meant

"I'm pregnant!" Flynn announced

"Wow! Congrats you too!" Ray said hinting at Flynn and Reggie. "Well tell me! How'd you find out? How'd the proposal go?"

"Well...." Flynn started


"Reggie? Flynn wants to talk to you." Julie said

Reggie walked inside, and saw Flynn sitting on the kitchen counter.

"What's up Flynn?" Reggie asked

"I wanna tell you something." Flynn said.

"Is it good or bad?" Reggie asked.

"Good, in my opinion." Flynn said

"Okay..." Reggie said uncertain.

Flynn handed, him the stick, and he took from her hand, and looked at it confused.

"A stick?" Reggie asked

"Read it." Flynn said chuckling.

Reggie turned it the other way.

"Preg-nant?" Reggie asked, still completely confused

"Pregnant. Reggie. I'm pregnant." Flynn said, laughing slightly

Reggie went silent for a moment, before gasping.

"Wait you're serious?" Reggie said, jumping off the chair in excitement.

"Yes!" Flynn said

Reggie ran over to Flynn, and hugged her, as tight as he could.

—end of flashback—

"And that's it." Flynn finished.

"Wow, congrats again guys." Ray said, clapping Reggie's back. "How'd the proposal go?"

"It went really well, we decorated the garage, and did a scavenger hunt." Luke said, his eyes sparkling, as if he was reimagining the moment.

"That's adorable." Ray said. "And we're always here. For both of you." He said again, motioning at the two girls. "Oh, Carlos and Tía Victoria are gonna freak!" Ray finished

They all laughed.

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