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hey besties, does the title scare you?

good. it should:)

⚠️trigger warning: strong language⚠️

anyways....enjoy...or not *cardi b laugh*

(credits to sara, she helped with the idea, so don't just be mad at me:)

Julie and Luke went back to bed, and didn't wake up til the next morning. Julie, who noticed she was awake first, looked at the clock after she woke up, that read 9:47. She looked at Luke, who was peacefully sleeping. She moved hair out of his eyes, and smiled at him. She was so fortunate to have someone like Luke with her. She wanted to show her appreciation, so she made her way downstairs, and started to cook breakfast. She entered the kitchen, and started to make pancakes. She walked over to the other side of the kitchen when she spotted something in the window. She walked back to the window, but didn't see anything. She walked back over to the other side of the kitchen, and


Julie knew she wasn't crazy, she definitely heard something that time. She walked over to the window, but still didn't see anything. She walked over to her sliding door, to see 3 men and 3 women, holding cameras, attempting to hide in her bushes.

"Ah." She yelled, not too loud, but enough to show she was scared.

"Hi, Julie, we were wondering if we could ask some questions." One of the men asked.

All Julie wanted in that very moment, was to yell and scream and call the police. But she knew those cameras were on, and they would post it, regardless of whether she should or not.

"I would prefer not to answer outside my house? I'm open to answer any questions in public, just not he-,"

"Are you going to keep the baby?" One woman asked.

Julie ignored her, and continued to try and move out of frame.

"Are you sure Luke is the one?" Another man asked.

Julie ignored them, and laughed a little at the question.

"Slut!" A man yelled.

Slowly, Julie lifted her head, and looked at the man, who remained silent. Immediately she ran upstairs, and slammed her and Luke's door. She ran into the bathroom, crying silently to hide it.

She slammed the door a little to loud, scaring Luke awake. After he thought he heard tears, he ran up to the shut bathroom door, and began to talk.

"Jules?" He said. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." She sniffled.

"No you're not." Luke said.

"I'm fine Luke." Julie snapped.

"Julie, what happened." He insisted. It was more of a comment, then a question.

Slowly, Julie got off the bathroom floor, and opened the door.

"I just fell, that's all." Julie lied. She didn't want to tell Luke. She didn't even want to think about it. That was the worst thing anyone has ever said to her. She couldn't even imagine Luke's reaction, and she didn't want to.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, gently taking her hands.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Julie lied again.

"Okay." Luke said, he wasn't fully convinced, but he knew whatever happened she didn't want to talk about it. He pressed a light kiss on her head, before asking her.

"Do you wanna go downstairs? I'm sure somebody's down there by now."

"No!" Julie yelled, scaring Luke a little. "No, no I'm actually tired, I'm gonna sleep a little more."

Luke smiled and walked out the room. Julie faceplanted into her bed, and began to cry. Was she really a slut? Her thoughts were cut off by a ringing in her phone. She looked, just to see more hateful comments about her pregnancy.

No one even cares

That baby is gonna be so ugly


Julie threw her phone, and cried harder. She cried into her pillow, letting the negative things people say about her get to her head. If only they knew how hard it was for her already. She has to deal with hate, a family, being slut shamed and more, but people still see a reason to hate her. Once again her thoughts were cut off by a ringing on her phone. It was halfway across the room, and if it was another hate comment, she didn't even wanna see it.

But it was Flynn.

Flynn was woken up by Julie's crying, and texted her to ask if she was alright. After she didn't get an immediate response she came knocking on Julie's door. Julie didn't answer, she didn't want to see anyone.

Flynn barged in to see Julie in her bed, lightly crying.

"Julie?" She ran over, and sat next to her. "What's wrong?"

Julie continued to ignore her, still facing away.

"Jules?" Flynn insisted. "Talk to me."

Julie turned over and sat up, so she was now properly facing Flynn.

"What's going on?" Flynn asked.

"I-," Julie couldn't even finish her sentence before crying again. Flynn pulled her in for a hug, as Julie continued to cry.

"These paparazzi were o-outside the house, and
they were asking questions, and one of them called me a slut." Julie said, muttering the last word. Starting to cry again, Flynn grabbed ahold of her hands, and began to talk to her.

"They did?" Flynn asked in disbelief.

Julie nodded.

"I'm so sorry...d-does Luke know?" She asked.

"No." Julie said, wiping away tears. "I don't know what he would say."

"What do you mean?" Flynn asked

"I mean what can he do about it? They're just dumb paparazzi doing their job." Julie pouted

"Yeah, but he's your husband. He loves you Julie, he'll do anything in his power to make sure you are okay."

"I don't wanna tell him." Julie cried. "I don't want him to worry about me."

"Jules, you're gonna have to tell him at some point. You can't just let this go, like it's nothing." Flynn said. "Promise me you'll tell him." She said, gripping into to Julie's hands tighter.

Julie nodded, slightly smiling.

"There's my girl." Flynn said

a/n: in all seriousness, never say something mean to someone, even if it's not offensive, words hurt. you never know what someone is going through


Unfortunately women are sexualized and called things for doing the littlest things, even when they just open their mouth.

If a man wanted to argue about something, they would praise him for speaking up.

If a woman does it, usually it'll end up with them being called a bitch because they spoke their mind.

Well, for the fuckers who THINK FOR SOME REASON THEY CAN SAY THINGS LIKE THAT, hahahaahhaah EAT SHIT.


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