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After what felt like an eternity of crying, stress, and also breaking Luke's hand, Julie let herself fall back on the bed, and sighed in relief.

"You did it." Luke smiled at Julie.

"We did it." Julie said, grabbing a hold of his hand

The nurse walked over and placed Emily lightly on Julie's chest. Julie smiled and teared up at the sight of her baby.

"Don't cry!" She whispered to the baby. She smiled up at Luke who also couldn't hold back a tear, smiling back down at his daughter.

The nurse walked over and looked at Julie and Luke.

"Congratulations, she's beautiful."

Julie and Luke smiled at her.

"Do we have a name?" She asked

"Yeah actually. Emily hyphen Rose." Julie told her

"Alright, so Emily-Rose Patterson." the nurse said before she walked away.

"She looks just like you." Luke smiled.

Julie looked up at him and smiled, and pulled him into a gentle kiss.

—-/time skip 1 hour.\—-
11:07 AM

Julie sat in bed, holding Emily, who was asleep, in her arms. She heard a knock on the door, as she also began to drift off.

"Come in." Julie replied.

Ray, Tía Victoria and Carlos all walked in.

"Hi." Julie smiled.

Ray walked a little closer. He placed a kiss on Julie's forehead, before looking at Emily.

"You wanna hold her?" Julie asked

Ray nodded. Julie gently handed Emily into his hands. Once he got a hold of her, he looked down at her, and began to tear up.

"My first grandchild." He said in absolute awe.

He looked back over at Julie, before speaking again. "She's beautiful."

Julie gave Luke a high five as a joke, before Ray handed her to Tía Victoria.

"Hola Hermosa!" Tía said with pure excitement.

Julie and Luke laughed, before Julie got a glance at Carlos. He was just staring at the baby, with his jaw dropped.

"You wanna hold her Carlos?" Julie asked, slightly laughing.

Slowly, Carlos nodded. Tía gently handed Emily to him, and he just stared at her. Julie slowly saw a smile grow on his face. He looked up at Julie before handing her back.

"She's okay." Carlos joked

Julie rolled her eyes, and laughed with the rest of the family.

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