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(just to clarify, we changed it. Flynn and Reggie are married, not engaged:)

(and go attack sara for her terrible chapter:)

"Why?" Julie asked

"I've seen some there. And we all know how much you hate rats.". Flynn said

"Okay...thanks Flynn. Hey have you thought about a baby shower?" Julie asked, quickly changing the subject.

"I've barely had time to process it, but no. I don't even know where to start." Flynn said sighing

"I'll help you! What were you thinking?" Julie asked

"Well..." Flynn began

As time went on, the girls continued to talk, and Luke sneakily made his way inside the house. Alex and Reggie had heard him, and helped him set up. Luke had it all planned out. Nothing could go wrong.

After about an hour, the guys finished and were in complete awe.

"Wow. This makes my proposal seem a little tame." Reggie said looking at the decorations

"What did we do again?" Alex asked

"Remember? We played Flying Solo and at the end I proposed?" Reggie said

"Oh yeah, and for your wedding, we performed a less upbeat version." Luke said

"Oh yeah! I wonder what we're gonna do for your wedding." Alex joked looking at Luke

"If she says yes." He mumbled

"I'm sorry what? I didn't know we were time traveling back to 8 years ago." Alex said sarcastically

"What does that mean." Luke asked

"Back when we first met, and you guys started dating, you always doubted yourselves. And now your doubting her." Reggie said

"I'm not doubting her. I'm just nervous." Luke said

"Well you don't have to be. Julie loves you, and you love her. She wouldn't have stuck with you for the past 8 years of she didn't. You got this man. You're just paranoid." Alex said reassuringly

"Thank you Alex." Luke said patting his back.

"Eh, it's okay. I'm used to be a therapist." Alex laughed

"Looks like Reggie's gonna need one soon." Luke chuckled, pointing at him.

Reggie looked lost in his thoughts, and was unaware of what was happening.

"Huh?" Reggie asked

"You're having a kid man! Does that not freak you out? That's a big deal." Luke asked


"Well, I-I mean that's why we have 10 months!" He said, stuttering, worry growing visibly on his face.

"9 months." Alex corrected him.

"Yeah!" Reggie said, more worry growing on his face.

Alex and Luke laughed, at their freaked out friend best friend.

The girls and the guys continued to talk about baby showers, marriages, names, relationships, and everything else until the day was over.

It was starting to get late. Even though she knew she wasn't right, something felt off about her to Luke. What was he hiding from her? She got up from her seat and called Luke.

(don't worry she didn't go in the garage)

"Luke?" She called.

He came running into the room.

"Yeah Jules?" He answered

"Can we talk?" She asked, motioning into their room

"Sure." He said uncertain of where this conversation would go.

They walked into their room, where Julie sat in the bed, and Luke sat across from her.

"Luke what's going on? You've been acting weird since yesterday." Julie asked

"You'll see tomorrow." He replied kissing the top of her head and trying to leave, but she pulled his arm back.

"That's not an answer Luke. I'm serious. I want to know." Julie said, her voice changing in the second sentence.

"Jules, everything will make sense tomorrow. I promise you." He placed a kiss on her lips, and went to the bathroom.

"Okay.. I'm trusting you." Julie said, getting into bed.

A few minutes later Luke came back, and got into bed with her.

"Goodnight Jules."

"Goodnight Luke."

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